you, especially

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I can see it in your eyes. The way you feel for me. The way you are for me, and especially the way you love me.

Some things aren't meant to be said. At least out loud.

Jennie didn't think she couldn't get any luckier than this.

No lottery ticket or any amount of money can match the price as this moment. With the way Jennie held Rosé like she's a delicate flower, soon to be bloomed. She wouldn't have it any other way. 

If you were to ask 16 year-old Jennie that she'd actually marry the love of her life, she'd scoff and flick your forehead for thinking that she could get with such a beautiful girl. So beautiful that it can burn your eyes, in such gentleness that you wouldn't even know it, Jennie thinks.

Jennie presses a firm kiss onto Rosé's forehead. "Wake up my love." Another kiss, and then another.

She only receives a snore.

Jennie shakes her head with a scoff. Deciding to let her stay asleep. After being married to the girl for 3 years to think she would be able to wake up her wife. Contemplating, Jennie shuts off the TV. Watching Titanic for a whole 3 hours straight isn't good for your eyes, (or your well being). Jennie takes a note in her head for next time they decide to watch a movie late into midnight. 

Taking a snoring Rosé in Jennie's arms and carrying to their bedroom isn't going to be easy. Especially when Jennie's basically half of Rosé's height. After thinking for a few minutes, she decides that a piggy back ride is the best way to carry a giant like Rosé herself. Making sure that she wouldn't wake up, she wraps Rosé's are around her neck and carefully lifts her on her back. With a grunt, she takes another mental note in her head to cut out the popcorn next time as well.

"Come one Jennie, you don't waste twenty bucks every month on gym membership." She mutters quietly, until she stumbles on nothing but air and stubs her toe into a wall. "Shit!" she yells, forgetting theres a snoring giant on her back.

She stays completely still, feeling Rosé stir a bit on her back before plopping against her once more. Jennie let's out a breath that she didn't know she was holding.

After what felt years for Jennie, they made it to their bedroom. Opening the door with a creek, she gently takes off Rosé's arms around her and plops her on the bed as gently and quietly as she could. She can't believe about the amount of noise she made and yet here lies Rosé, still completely asleep. Jennie smiles at the thought, fixing away the blonde strands of hair that sticks to her forehead.

Jennie tucks in Rosé under the covers before removing her hoodie because she doesn't think she'll have the energy to be waken during the night because of Rosé's complaining of being too hot (all she had to do was take off the blanket but Jennie decides not to tell her that).

As soon as she took off Rosé's hoodie, she moves onto her side of the bed and plops down comfortably. Rosé immediately turns to face Jennie, still in deep sleep but instead buries her face into Jennie's neck. Even when she isn't awake, Rosé loves the feeling of Jennie's skin against hers. Every time she's been asked by the other, she only responds with a shrug and says its because your warm and soft, I don't know. But she does know, only always responding with that because it leaves Jennie with a deep shade of red against her cheeks and gets always teased by it. She loves it.

Jennie closes her eyes after feeling Rosé's steady breathing against her neck, letting her know that it's her turn to fall asleep and start dreaming. That night after a long day of celebrating Jennie's new job was a huge hit to her energy, but with the feeling of her heart being so full, she wouldn't change it. Not one bit.

Using one arm under Rosé's neck and the other playing with her hair tends to get her dead asleep very quickly, yet this time all she could do is just think. Think and think and think.

All these thoughts filled her head, and all had the same certain person in her mind that night. Soon to be in her dreams as it did for all nights.

"I love you, Roseanne. There isn't going to be a time where I won't." Jennie whispers against the baby hairs of her wife. Pressing another firm kiss on her head. "And thank you for believing in me. I always loved that about you. Always believing in me when I couldn't even do that myself."

Jennie thinks maybe it was just her tiredness that's consuming her because she thought she felt a slight kiss on her neck. She smiles and kisses her forehead in response once more.

"Goodnight, darling. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

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