Uprising 2

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Knox groan and heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard in the silent night.

He have been grunting and groaning for how long he have remembered. But it seems that the pain just wouldn't lessen at all.

It feels like being burn from the inside while slowly freezing from the outside. He was just there at the ground, laying. Like a cold and sickly child, crumpled like a paper, shaking like a chick that have been left outside in the rain.

If he was to ask to rate the pain from one to ten he will probably curse you instead for asking such question when he was clearly suffering enough already.

Rosh on the other hand was just silently watching as Knox suffer in front of him.

It's not like i can stop the pain

His excuse as he poke Knox head with a stick he was holding.

"Aughhhh!!" Knox groan as he throw up another bloody mucus out of his system. Surrounding him was all the other he have secreted before.

Fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it! FUCKKKKKKK ITTT!!!!

The boy curses in his mind as the pain worsen after he throw up. As if something sharp was growing in his stomach and slowly piercing it's way to his rib cage.

"Ugh...ghu....haa...ngh" Knox grunt as the pain envelope the entirety of his system. He wants to scream so badly but he doesn't even have the strength to open his mouth nor has he have the strength to move his tongue who have long gone become numb.

As the poor child continue to suffer in front of Rosh, he on the other hand start rummaging through his pocket.

He took a pocket watch out and look at the time. It was Midnight already and the moon was on it's peak.

"It should stop now" He mumble to his self as he put back the pocket watch back to his pocket.

The tall man then stand up and start rummaging through the barrel place not to far from him.

It was the barrel he have long put there for it to be use as container for the things that will be needed for this special day.

Rosh took out a large glass bottle containing water inside and a wooden cup. He also took a few clothes that have been cut into squares like a handkerchief but bigger.

He then close the barrel with it's lids before he go back to where the boy was laying.

He complexion seems calmer now and his breathing is not rigid and sharp anymore but deeper and calmer instead.

"Was it done?" Rosh ask as he sat down back to where he was before. Knox on the other hand just open his eyes and blink in response.

"I hate you...R..osh" The boy slowly and weakly mumble that Rosh just laugh at.

"Surely" Rosh replied with a smile as he lift Knox from the ground by inserting his hands on the boy's armpit and lifting him like a toddler.

He then carefully sat Knox on the tree trunk near him, leaning the boy's back against the hard wood.

Rosh then proceed on wiping the left mucus and blood in the kid's side of the mouth.

He also wipe Knox cold sweat with another cloth that he soak in water to freshen him up.

"Water?" He said as he put the cup's rim against Knox lips. The kid slowly open his mouth and drink from the cup full of water.

"Rest for a little before you took the third one" Said Knox that utterly pained Knox from the inside.

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