Lost prince

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"Viscount, an unknown man wants to have an audience with you " The man who was on his lates forties with a brown hair and a bit of white look at the knight who just talk.

"Unknown man? You know I'm too busy to entertain someone for now"Said the man as he go back looking at the important documents on his hands.

"But he have the Elwyn Duchy crest with him " What the knight said instantly makes the man stop from what he was doing.

Elwyn duchy.

Upon hearing the word about the crest, the man stand up from his desk and get his coat immediately.

That man really!

"Tell the maids to bring the man at the drawing room and serve as some tea" Says the man as he hurriedly walk out of the room.

Did something happened to him again?well, what can i say, that man is reckless!!

The man open the room upon reaching it and he was greet by a man with a dirty clothing.

The man was sitting in the sofa so elegantly while sipping at some tea, not minding the looks of the servants.

"Stefan?" Called the viscount as he recognized his friend.

The man look up at the newly arrive viscount and smile at him.

"There you are Richard! I've been waiting for ages here!" Said the Duke enthusiastically.

What kind of stupidity this man do again to end up like that?

Question the viscount to his self as he watch what was the duke is wearing

"What is this again Stefan?!" Scold the viscount as soon as he close the door and dismissed all the servants.

The duke just shrug his friend scolding, pretending he didn't hear it at all.

"Tell me what you want?" says the viscount as he massage his temple after scolding the duke who doesn't even listen to him.

Hardheaded as ever.

"I just need some money to give to a person who help me. And a carriage to get back at the Duchy. I prefer it much if you can send few of your knights along " Said the duke as if what he was just saying is just some random nonsense.

The viscount couldn't contain his anger anymore so he throws a cup at the duke's direction that the duke easily dodge anyway.

"Are you telling me you got ambush again?!" Shouted the viscount.

He really is annoyed.

Thought the duke as he watch the fuming viscount start to scold him again just like a mother scolding his son.

" Just how many times do i need to tell you to always have some knights with you !!" Shouted the now standing viscount but the Duke keeps ignoring him as if everything was fine.

"Your not a young man anymore who can defeat numerous assassins at one draw of your sword !!!"Second the viscount.

Im not that weak yet.

"Just look at this!. It's been what? Third? No fourth one that you almost lost you life because of you stubbornness!!" The duke put his cup down when he saw his friend almost lost his balance and collapse because of frustration.

"Calm down Richard. What matters is that i live " Said the Duke, attempting to calm his friend.

The viscount look at him angrily before sighing.

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