The King's Survival Plan

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The boy open his eyes and was greeted by a new day.

He look away when sunlight hit his face. The pain lessen unlike last night. Although he can't move an inch.

He look at the direction where the hut was use to be. The hut was nowhere to be found and the only thing left is ashes .  He can't even say where the body of the man was.

Hays!. Now where im gonna live?. The boy let go of a frustrated sigh. Life is so great isn't it.

I'm just a three years old who committed murder and now is homeless. It wasn't that bad.

And because the boy can't do anything. He can't even move an inch to be specific. He start doing the technique again. He doesn't know what it was called so he just called it 'that'

The book didn't say anything about  what it was called . So he call it just like that. At first he was unsure what the use of it. According to the book it has to do on awakening something.

It said the person should be one with nature coz nature is the source of magic. But it didn't say how. So the boy  have a hard time doing it at first. Then he come up of a solution.

And that solution is thinking that he is something connected with nature.

At first he think of his self as a wild animal, but it didn't work. Then he think that he was a tree, a grass , a flower. But all of it doesn't work.

Out of frustration the boy  think of just random stuff. Like water, air, berries, tree trunk, leaf, branches. He thought imagining some random stuff will not help me.

Until he imagine his self as a mushroom. Yeah, a mushroom. And guess what?, It work.

He was so happy that his making a progress little by little. The child's hope of learning magic and get out of the damn forest was not out of his reach anymore.

But the progress he was hoping stop there. He tried and tried again in order to awaken but nothing change. He patiently waited for half a year thinking he was just doing the next step wrong .

But nothing changed after that day. The boy hopes crash again and he was left with this unprogressive technique ever since.

The boy took a deep breath and started to imagine his self as a mushroom again.

I'm a little mushroom growing in the top of an old and rotten tree stump. Just a tiny little mushroom trying it's best to survive.

The boy frowned when he felt something inside him building up. He don't know how to explain it but it feels that way to him.

He opened his eyes  to check and every thing go back to normal. Weird, im pretty sure i feel something.

He close his eyes again and concentrate once more. The familiar feeling that he feel before came back again.

What's happening?. Confused, the boy  didn't open his eyes and just continue on what he am doing. He can't see anything but he can feel what's the things near him was making it more confusing.

I do sense my surroundings when i do this before but now, it's much clearer. More vivid  and alive.

It's like seeing it with my own eyes even though my eyes are closed. And the feeling, it was amazing !

I feel  so high!. The boy's breathing became unsteady and his heart beat like crazy. It's like he was  in drugs but also not at the same time.

Unlike drugs its not addicting. He  feel like he was flying!. I can see everything!. This is fucking awesome!!.

But the boy was disturb by some noises  ,causing for him to lost his concentration. He opened his eyes and started to look around, trying to find where the sound came from.

But what greets the boy was unexpected. The once clean place became a total mess.

The boy was still in his laying position but something surely change in his surroundings. The heck happened here?

Some of the wild bushes are plug out from the ground. The trees have this claw scratches and some of it's branch are broken and was scattered everywhere.

The boy heard some howling that confused him more. In years of him in the forest he never encountered any wolf or animal that howl . He  only see little bunnies and insects.

The boy  heard another howling that send shivers down his spine. The howling was just close. What's that?! The fuck!!.

The boy start panicking when he heard some noises on his left . Slowly two red orbs appear in the darkness of the forest.

The boy felt terrified of the unknown for the first time. He  tried to move slowly but his whole body seems to not listening to him. What it that?!.

The boy  force his self to move as the two red orbs start to approach him. He sat down while not  he wasn't just injured a while ago. It confuses him  but he  don't have time to be.

As the two red orbs keep approaching the boy , an image of a boar becoming more visible. A boar?

But unlike what the boy expected, the normal boar turn out to be something else. His eyes widened when he saw what it was truly are.

It was a boar so huge,  it half of the size of a fully grown tree. It also has this  two big tusk almost hitting it eyes already.

A steam came out of it's nose while looking at the boy. The  immediately knew that it was up into something bad. Oh god, this isn't  good!!.

The boar started to pawed the ground sign that it will attack any minute. Crap!

The boy get up and started running as fast as i can before the boar attack him. Why does misfortune find me every time?!!

The boy felt confused and shock at the same time. Shock because a huge boar was chasing after him and was confused by the fact that he can run as if he wasn't just injured a moment ago.

The boy look behind and see the boar chasing after him getting nearer. It was only a few meters away from him so he run faster. Do boars always this big?!. This thing is huge!!!

He turn left when he saw a boulder blocking  the was.  The boy almost stumble in a small rock while doing so. Gladly he  manage to keep his balance.

He look behind  again when he hear a crashing sound which was the result of the boar head butting the boulders.

The boar stop and was shaking his head, probably because of the impact. It's snoring harshly like it doesn't like what was happening.

But soon the boar shakes it head harshly and look at his direction. It then started pawing the ground again. Oh shit!

The child  who unintentionally just stop running start to run again. Nope!!, the chase isn't over yet!!

The chase take place again between the boy and the boar. For the first time in the young boy life he feel extremely exhausted but he cannot take a break.

Cause the time he take a break it's his own death that awaits him. The boy continue running even though he doesn't have the strength anymore.

He keeps pushing his limit because that was  the only thing he can do in his situation. The chase continue for at least two hour before the boy finally lost the boar.

As the boy finally get his  long awaited break, he just collapse in exhaustion. Breathing heavily and sweating nonstop from the long run he just finished.

Once again the poor young boy who seems to always be  finds by misfortune was laying in the ground again.

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