Other Half

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"Aside from a few bruises the young lord seems okay, he probably just fainted from stress" Said the doctor who was done examining Knox.

But Rosh wasn't so sure about it. He knew that the boy didn't just fainted because of stress and that he is okay at all.

Maybe because Rosh got his original body now, the boy's mana is unstable again just like before at the forest of nightmare.

Not only that, but an unknown force was also making his mana even more aggressive than before. And Rosh knew what has caused it but he can't just do anything.

Frustrated, Rosh left the room to get some fresh air. A few villager greets him but he was so busy thinking about something else.

He then reach the end of the town where no one was coming through.Rosh then decided to take a shelter beneath a big tree from the scorching sun.

Still thinking about what he can do best for the boy, Rosh accidentally touch the dagger that he've been keeping sense the boy fainted.

Aside from its usual scabbard, the dagger was now covered in a piece of clothing.

Rosh then get the dagger and carefully put it down the ground. He then start removing the cloth revealing the dagger who looks completely different from before.

The dagger has this blue cracks along the whole body of it that emits faint blue lights, reminding Rosh of that day.


Rosh immediately dodge the up coming dagger towards him but he still got graze on his left cheek.

He then grab the hand of the attacker and pull him towards him to grab his face and smash him on the ground, subduing him.

Rosh was about to cast a fireball to silence the attacker when he notice who was the one he just put his hand to.

"Knox?" He confusedly mumble as he watch the little boy struggle from his grip.

Buy the boy is unusual from before. He has this smile on his lips that seems not to vanish and his eyes also change its color from the mesmerizing ash gray to a deep blue one.

What has happened to this kid while i'm gone?

"Hahahahaha" the boy's laughter eco though out the whole alley way.

It was not a normal laugh but of those a sinister one that bring this uneasy feeling in Rosh guts.

"Please let me kill you mister, it won't take long i promise" Said the boy while snickering while peeking between Rosh finger with amusement in his eyes.

Rosh clench his jaw upon realizing that the boy he knew was nowhere to found now. All he can see was a madman, hungry for blood.

He tighten his grip on the kid's as it's try to escape from him and push him harder to the ground . Rosh then look around to see what he can do when he notice what was upfront him.

He gape from such sight and couldn't believe what it was. He then look down to the child responsible to it then back to the numerous corpses with a lot of stab wound on their faces that you won't be able to recognize who are they.

The alley wall was painted with blood and the ground become a pool of crimson red.

"Hahahahaha, it's beautiful right? Don't you want to help me finish it mister?"said the boy that sent shiver down the spine of Rosh.

Just who is this kid?

Enrage from what is all happening Rosh look at what the boy was holding. And just what he suspected, it was the same dagger he always use.

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