Other Half

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It's been two days since that incident but the boy still not showing any recovery.

Although other people can't see how dire the boy's situation is, Rosh knew how.

"I check everything already, nothing is wrong with the young lord" Said the doctor who was confuse and worried from what was happening.

Rosh didn't reply, but you can see how frustrated he as you look at his clinching fist.

"We should go back to the estate and let a more skilled physician check the young master" Suggested Sir Arnold.

"No, bringing him back won't do anything"Said Rosh as he approach the sleeping boy.

"But the Duke's need to know about young master condition!" Argue Sir Pillion.

"Informing the Duke is like letting those pesky rascal who was after the Duke about the appearance of a great opportunity for them to attack. You don't want to go back to a burning east don't you?" Ask Rosh back in a sharp tone, as he glance at Sir Pillion who was left speechless.

"Still, we should at least  report about this" Argue Sir Arnold in a low tone of voice as he was taking aback by Rosh harshness.

"We will, but only after we finish and clean everything up" Said Rosh as he glance at the boy and put his hand on Knox's forehead.

"Those bandits will surely be hiding between the woods surrounding the way back. Waiting for any of us to come out of here and stupidly fall for their traps" continue Rosh as he look back at Sir Arnold who you can clearly see that have given up.

"What's the plan then?" Sir Arnold ask.

Rosh look outside of the open window on his right before answering.

"We wait until midnight" he said as he glance at the sleeping boy beside him.

       For a long time, the  knights of Elwyn Duchy was preparing their armors and polishing their swords again.

Some are even writing a letters to their love ones, thinking if ever they die from the up coming battle.

On the other hand, Rosh who was supposed to be the one leading the troops is already on the enemies base.

"We've been waiting for those bastard to come out but their not doing anything! Do you think they notice our plan?" Ask one of the bandits who was scouting near the area where Rosh is hiding.

"I don't understand it either! Even Diko suggested that we should just attack and wiped out those bastards but Fin was so against it!" Agreed the other one.

As the two keep complaining about the man named Fin, Rosh who was hiding behind a big tree slowly put the down the sleeping boy he was carrying.

He then proceed on getting the dagger out from the belt he was wearing. Just like before, the dagger is covered in a piece of clothing, hiding the handle and scabbard.

He then unsheathed the dagger, revealing it's black blade that was covered of blue shining cracks.

Rosh then glance at the still sleeping boy before proceeding cutting his self.

"Ugh!" He groan as he felt pain rush through his body just from a single cut.

As expected, the pain is much worse and the amount of bleeding doubled.

Rosh thought as he look at the cut on his palm who seems to bleed unstoppable.

He then look at the dagger's blade who start glowing more and some black smoke start coming out of it.

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