Lost prince

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A day past but the boy still cant get out of his bed. His body is aching all over, that even a slight move bring so much pain in him.

Ugh! Curse that man for forcing me to run around without a warning yesterday!

"You should be good the next morning" Say's  Sir Roland the name of the man whom the boy just fought yesterday.

The said have been visiting and taking care of the sick boy, saying he felt guilty as he was the main reason why the boy is bedridden.

"You might still feel a little bit of the pain but you will be good to roam around again" He said as he  handed the boy a glass of water which the boy gladly took.

"By the way mister, about the order you say. Why do you think the viscount order you such thing?" Ask the boy as he remembers the confession of the man about the whole fight.

The man put the glass and bowl down first before answering the boy's question.

"Do you remember the assassins that tried to kill the duke ?" Ask Sir Roland in a serious tone.

Of course i do, I will never forgot those faces who give me the chance to get a hold of golds in such a young age.

The boy didn't reply and  just nod so the man continue  speaking.

" The viscount want to confirm if you are really the one who kill them" He confess

makes sense.

Thought the boy as he saw the awkwardness on the man's eyes

"You could have just ask me" Said the boy in a monotone voice, guilting the man more

"Ahem... Anyway, how do you manage to kill them?" Ask Sir Roland in a guilty tone of voice.

The boy squint his eyes, knowing that the man was just trying to change the topic but decided to not mind it.

"They are reckless, that why" The boy answered calmly as he put down the empty cup on the side table.

Reckless huh, that maybe one of the reason but I don't believe it was the main reason.

Thought Sir  Roland as he secretly glance at the boy

" I bet" Said Sir Roland  as he  chuckled to loosen some of the awkwardness that start surrounds them again.

" Where do you learn how to fight by the way?" Ask Sir Roland out of the blue that makes the boy think for a while.

Learn?. Well, I do learn some mix martial art  and stuff way back in my past life, but some are just thing that i learned while hunting and surviving in the forest.

"I hunt usually. Maybe that where. Oh! A friend of mine also teach me a few tricks" The boy lies bluntly.

Well, I do learn one or two things from Rosh- kinda.

"I see "  Answer Sir Roland, completely falling for the boy's blunt lies.

After a few more exchange of questions, Sir  Roland says his goodbye

" Glad he believes that " Said the boy to himself as the man disappear from his sight

The boy then start to look around, trying to find where the wolf is.

He found him taking a nap in the near  corner and decided to wake him up.

" Hey Rosh!! Pst! Pst!" Called the boy but the pup never move an inch.

This mother fucker is such a sleepy pup this day. Hays!

The boy continue calling the wolf which is also awake that time but just doesn't want to take to the boy.

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