Uprising 1

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The once peaceful part of Marschcost was set a blaze. People are running around in horror, children are crying as screams of agony and sword clashing envelope their ears.

"We need to retreat!!" Shouted a man running towards Benjamin who was occupied clashing swords with three invaders at once.

Upon slashing his last opponent he turn around to the man that was shouting. It was a close friend of his. But unlike before where the man was dress in a neat and clean clothing his clothes was now torn apart and have some blood splash.

"We need-" The man was cut off when an arrow pierce through his chest.

"Vin!" Shouted Benjamin as he run to catch the falling man. He did catch the man but he was on a terrible state already.

He was coughing blood so bad that the blood splatter turn both of their clothes bloody red.

"Vin!!" Shouted Benjamin again as he shake  the cold corpse of his friends on his embrace.

"Hahahaha!" A wicked laughter come from the dark alley beside Benjamin. Immediately he turn his gaze their as he raise his sword and point it towards the direction of the laughter.

Soon enough a slow clapping can be heard as a man emerge from the darkness. It was a man with the same physique of his but was on a knight armor.

"Very well Adler" Said the man while Continue clapping as he look at Benjamin with amusement dancing on his eyes and a smirk on his lips.

A huge surge of madness enter Benjamin's system as soon as he recognized who the man was.

"TITUS!!" Shouted Benjamin angrily as he shoots death glares towards the man. The man called Titus just reply with another wicked laughter.

" Yes Adler?" Said the man slyly as he tilt his head slightly to his right but his smirk still plastered on his lips.

Anger immediately took over Benjamin. He gritted his teeth and tighten his grip on the hilt of his sword.

"Pfft!.. Hahaha! Mad already Adler?" Question the man, followed by another evil laughter.

Benjamin whose mind have been clouded by anger gently put down his friend's corpse down.

"How dare you do this Titus! I didn't brake the contract didn't I ?!!" Shouted Benjamin, questioning the reason for the attack made to his side.

"Oh god gracious Adler of course you didn't" Answered the man.

"But you where planning to didn't you?" Added the man that makes Benjamin flinch and gain back his composure.

How did he know?....how?

Question Benjamin to his self. Indeed it was true that he was planning to breach the contract but he made sure to plan it truly that no one should have noticed.

But alas someone did. Someone got a hold of his plan. But the real question is who?. Who was it?. Even his closest ally was unaware of such plan so how?

As Benjamin dive into his thoughts the man in front of his covered his mouth with his palm to hide his growing smile.

"Curious who betrayed you Adler?" Added the man that turn Benjamin back to reality.

He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He was afraid of the truth. The truth that someone whom he cherish dared betray him after all the things he went through for them.

Seeing Benjamin's reaction amuse the man truly. He turn his head around and called a familiar person name in the dark. The name instantly ring the bell on Benjamin's ear.

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