A broken soul

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     Knox stop as he reach the tree roots. He then  look up at the mesmerizing tree, admiring it's beauty.


He the continue to  walk up the small hill and was greet by a rusty golden sword stuck on the ground.

It was the  holy sword, last wield by the great Johan, the greatest swordman.

But Knox just  pass the sword as if it was just nothing. He continue walking until he reach the big tree finally.

He then put his hand at it's hard trunk as if he was trying to listen to the tree's heart beat.

I didn't remember reading about a tree on the novel though?

Although confused, the boy just shrug it off.

A soft wind brush through his cheeks then. That makes  Knox smiled and put down his hand. He then turn back, meeting the thousands swords again.

"Now, it's time to choose" Knox mumble while slowly walking down the hill.

He go towards the nearest sword from him and try to pull it. But the sword didn't even move an inch.

Looks like I'm not for you

Knox wipe his sweat while panting heavily as he give up and choose another one.

Base in the novel, they do say that only the chosen one will be able to pull out the sword. Plus the fact that they are a royal blood or a chosen hero by the kingdom.

Well, Rosh confirmed that i was a royal blood. And the fact that I possessed the body of the unlucky third prince prove it too. So there must be at least one sword here that i can pull out

Knox give up at the second sword and go to the next one. Again and again, Knox failed to pull out any of the sword.

"Ha...ha..ha.." Knox pant as he slide down the trunk of the tree.

This is harder than I thought.I already check everything that was near me, and yet there still nothing.

Knox then let go of a deep sigh before standing up to try again.

But something unexpected happened. He bump his head on a branch.

" OUCH!!" He shouted.

What the fuck?!.

Confused from where the tree brunch came from Knox look up but was shock when he found out the top of the tree who was one a  few feet taller from him  was few inches away from him now.

He look down to check if he somewhat climb the tree but he didn't. He was still in the ground.

Upon realizing that something is indeed wrong,  Knox immediately run away from the oak tree.

That  fucking tree move!!

He run and run  and only stop when he feel that he run far away already.  Knox then look back to check but was greeted by the tree trunk  again.

Knox then  start to have cold sweat as he face the tree trunk. Want to confirm something, he slowly look up and was greeted by the same branch again.

Knox felt shiver on his spines as he slowly take a step back, not letting the tree escape his eyes. But once again, his back bump into something.

Knox immediately turn around because of shock and was once again greet by the same tree trunk.

" Fucking hell!!!" He shouted.

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