A broken soul

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"This is the thing you've been convincing me to get" Duke Stefan hand over Knox a bunch of papers.

"Why do you need flora background anyway. She might be the one who was behind the poison but i believe she was just concerned about Kai standing in the house" Said the Duke that makes Knox expression sour

Standing my ass!!

"Your right, she cared for your grandson standing for now, then get rid of him after her son take over the Duke position" Said Knox as he  hand over a paper to the duke pointing at  a man's portrait.

"What's wrong with Mario, he was a good person. In fact he was one of the friendliest guy in my estate" Answer the Duke as he look at the portrait .

Knox shock his head and then rummage through the paper again before handing over another portrait, but now it was the portrait of Count Niel.

The duke take it and look at it too for a few second and then  shock appear on his face when discovered something.

The count resemble the man so much that they look like a twin except that the man has different skin,eye and hair color.

"You say Mario was brought here when he was nine as flora nephew right?" Knox question that  the  Duke answer by  a nod.

"And base on the information you gathered she was recommended by madam Mitchell, a mistress of your uncle" Continue Knox, that makes the Duke realize what he wants to convey.

The Duke put down the two portrait and massage his temple. He couldn't believe such obvious thing never cross his mind even though he always meet the man on the picture.


  "Those maid have been taking everything that there hands held! Won't you do anything about it!" Rumble Rosh as one of the maids stole something again and  left the room happily.

"Let them be, I have their names anyway" Answer Knox who was busy reading about something. He then continue flipping to another page of the book he was reading.

Rosh was about to shout out his  frustration when they hear someone knocking at the door.

Knox immediately get him self ready to face who ever the person is

"Come in!" Shouted Knox with fake coughing at the end.

"I'm Mario young master. I'm the estate gardener. I'm here to give you the herbal tea" Said the man on the other side.

Mario? Ain't that sounds familiar?

"You m-mean my medicine?" Ask knox with fake coughing after the man open the door and enter.

It's not just his name his face kinda familiar too.

Knox is sure he heard the name Mario somewhere before but he just couldn't pinpoint where.

"Why are you  t-the one giving it by the way? How about the maid or the physician?" He ask, with the outmost acting of being a sick child.

"The physician is busy and the maid who was the one that should be serve you this happened to have an emergency and I was the only around to help her" Answer the man with a sweet smile on his lips.

But knowing the boy's past life. He can easily tell that it was nothing but an absurd lie.

"You can just put it there, I will pour it my self when I'm done with what i was doing" Answer Knox ,  But the man was hard headed.

"I'm sorry young master, but I should make sure you drink your medicine"Insist the man as he start to prepare the tea sets. 

Knox expression darkened as he watch  at the guy, trying to read him.

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