Uprising 1

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"My lord, a letter sent by the young master Knox have arrived" Inform Nicholas as he handed a letter to the busy Duke.

The Duke then reach the letter and opened it.

It's been two months since that boy's first and last letter, what could be this letter all about this time?

Excited but also nervous, the Duke slowly open the letter and read it.

After a few minutes the Duke laugh as if he just witness the funniest thing ever.

"Hahahhahahaha" He laugh that confused Nicholas who was standing near him.

"Bring me the title of the land for the mountain range of Belvon, and prepare that boy's room" He commanded that Nicholas immediately prepared.

"15 percent huh" mumble the Duke as he look at the letter again where the word,

I want to take Belvon Town and the surrounding mountain range as one of the payment for my service. I will turn it into a mine and i will give you 15 percent of the earnings as a gift. And prepare my room, Im on my way back.

Was written.

The Duke smiled again before getting a blank paper to respond.

That boy must be a walking charm. For him to turn such waste land into a wealthy town?

Two months before....

Knox was busy handling paperwork's regarding the diamond mine.

" I can't believe that you actually find a treasure on that pile of rock" Commented Rosh who was sitting on a solo sofa while his feet are above the coffee table.

"And you really believe that i came here  just to check on this run down town?" Mock Knox, not giving Rosh a single glance.

"How come you knew?" Ask Rosh that makes Knox stop what he was doing as if he didn't expect such question to be ask although he manage to get his composure back soon after.

"Here let me show you" Said Knox as he  take a map of the kingdom and another one that was stuck between a book place on his messy desk.

Rosh who was also curious stand up and approach Knox who was aligning the two maps.

As Rosh stop in front he noticed that one of the map was the official map of the whole of Gren and the other is another one with this colored lands all over.

"You see this colored parts? This is the places where precious metals and gems are found" Explained Knox

"And where did you got such map?" Ask Rosh as what the boy is saying start to pick his interest.

Knox look up to him but didn't answer. He just turn around and take another book and present it to Rosh.

"This book. I think it was published by a once close friend of Viscount Harkins who owns almost every mine in Gren" Explained Knox and he even start to flip the pages until he stop to a page with a similar map of the one on the table.

"So you just assumed that they might be gems here?" Ask Rosh as for him Knox basis is not enough.

"Kinda,..but look here" Answered Knox as he point his finger into the map with some lands are colored.

"Some might not take notice of it at first but if you look closely you can see that a line was formed from here to here" Pertains Knox as he pointed two different lands on the map

Well it's not a lie. I also thought that Belvon is just a hidden gem when i first came here but as i study more about it i notice that it align with other mines across Gren.

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