Other Half

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Late night the same day that the second prince of Glen kingdom got beaten,  a young boy was digging using his now bleeding hands.

His been digging for how long he remembers. His heart is pounding faster and faster as time past by.

His eyes was also start tearing up and his knees is bleeding from kneeling on the rough rocks for hours as his clothes are covered in ashes and dirt.

But the boy doesn't care, he keeps digging and digging until he reach a familiar flat rock with a magic circle still engrave on it, all thought it faded already.

But what he was looking for was nowhere to be found. All that was left was the fading magic circle.

Slowly the boy loss his strength. The you boy was left there staring blankly into the darkness of the night.

No... This can't be....
You promise to come back...


"Did Knox finally go out of his room?" Ask Duke Elwyn to his trusted butler, Nicholas.

"I'm afraid not Duke, he barely move to be specific. He was just on his bed or on his desk looking blankly outside" Replied the Butler.

The Duke let go of a deep sigh and dismissed the butler.

"What could have  happened to that child while i'm away?" Mumble the Duke to him self.

Kai said the only thing that happened before Knox acting like that was the unexpected visit of Duke Cromwell and the second prince.

Those two probably do something to Knox for him to act like this.

But again, that boy is not easy shake. He stand firmly on his ground even if he was against a wall that even reach up the sky.

The Duke let go of a deep sigh again before deciding to check on the child himself.

          A knock from the door bring back the mind of Knox whose been wondering somewhere else.

"Knox it's me, can i enter?" Ask the voice who seems to belong to the Duke.

"Come in" Knox answer.

The duke then peek  on the boy first who was looking outside again before he finally enter the room.

After closing the door the duke took a sit not to far from where Knox was seating.

"The butler told me that you've been acting strange this past few days. Did something happens that i need to now?" Ask the duke to break the silence.

But Knox didn't throw him a glance nor answer his question. It makes the air awkward so the Duke cleared his throat to talk about something else.

The man look at the young boy's room first to find something they can start a conversation with, when suddenly he notice something odd.

"Where is your dog?" He mumble unintentionally.

There was a more awkward silence after the Duke's question. Then it occur to him, the Duke was about to say something when Knox finally decided to talk.

"Lock the door when you leave, please say to the servants that i'm skipping dinner" Said Knox before he stand up and goes to bed, immediately covering his self in blanket.

After a few minutes the Duke sigh and shake his head. He then stand up silently and walk towards the boy's bed.

"You can come down when you get hungry" Said the Duke before he turn around and Walk away.

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