Escaping Nightmares

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  "Do you think this is enough Rosh?" The boy ask as he continue putting fruits in the basket that he somewhat made.

"Don't bring to much, it will just slow us down" Answer the wolf who was yawning.

"How about water then?" Said the boy that was now counting the bamboo that contains water.

" Bring only the biggest bamboo,we will just refill it from time to time". The boy do as the wolf say and pick the biggest bamboo.

"Then this is all!" Said the boy as he happily face the wolf holding the things he said they should carry for this long journey they will take.

Rosh look at the boy from head to toe first before uttering" Let's go".

The two  now start there journey to escape this forest of nightmare they are currently stuck at.

" You say we are heading to your place first right?. What are we gonna do there?" Ask the boy that makes Rosh stop from walking.

To found something that will allow you to live in silence when I'm gone.

Rosh want to answer the boy honestly but he just couldn't. Although, he tell the boy about what happened to him before, Rosh is still hesitant to tell everything to the boy.

"We will get some things that might help us on our way " answer the wolf as they continue walking deep into the forest.

While walking in silence the boy take another bite to the apple he was holding before asking again.

"How long will it take us to reach your place then?" Ask the curious boy.

So many questions again.

" Two days or so" Answer the wolf. The boy shrug his shoulder

"okay" answer the boy and never ask another question again.

The journey that the two will take is the suggestion of the wolf. He suggested it sooner that the boy was healed, saying leaving this forest at this time is much better and sort. But all that he said was not close for what the real reason it.

Rosh look over to his side where the boy was walking along side him while  humming a song he never heard off.

If only you are much stronger that what i believe you are, you wouldn't need to live this place. In fact this place is much safer that the outside world.

But a sudden thought ruined what Rosh was thinking.

It was the scene after he healed the boy.


A sudden pang envelope Rosh heart as he continue swallowing the boy's violent  mana . But he ignore it all and just continue doing what he was doing.

Soon enough the wolf start coughing blood and experience as if his body is being twisted back and forth. But even this didn't stop him.

Just a little bit more!

After a few more minutes the boy's mana calm and his complexion go back to the way it was.

"Finally-  cough!cough!cough!" Rosh couldn't finish what he was saying as he cough blood and it's seems not to end.

The wolf  lay beside the boy as his knees give up from all the tiring things he do. He was breathing heavily as if he just run a hundred miles.

His sight is unsteady and the pang in his chest worsen it more.  The wolf try to calm his self and breath deeply to lessen the pain ,but nothing work.

Well, my death is inevitable in the first place anyway.

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