The King's Survival Plan

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A few months later....

The boy situation only got worse. He lost more weight than when he still living at the old hut.

Although, the child was slowly getting use to the new way of living it doesn't mean he was doing any better.

The constant encountered with monsters and lack of food and water drive the boy to almost losing his sanity.

No, actually i lost it already. What was left to me was just a little bit of my humanity. I'm basically just like the monster roaming this forest.

Surviving became the boy's first priority. It's always been, but unlike before where he use to still have a little bit of his sanity where he know where to stop and can still feel sympathy for other being.

But now the boy doesn't feel anymore of that. He learn how to hunt, set traps and crafts things that he needed in order to survive.

Of course he only hunt the harmless and edibles monster. I'm not stupid to face those kind of monster like the big and scary bull duh!.

That's how he survive, by hunting the poor little creature just minding there own business.

You can't blame me, im hungry, frustrated and desperate!.

But the boy can't do anything. He was so weak to chase out the monster. He couldn't even kill a single one on his own without the helps of traps.

He just keep reminding his self that all he do was just a mean of survival.

If only they just stay away from this peaceful forest of mine none of this should have happened. He wished

Sometimes his mind wonder on the time where his only problem was the abuse he get from the idiot who got his self burn with the old hut he use to live in.

Now that he think about it, the monster only appear after the hut got burn down. Those the hut have anything to do with this?.

Something telling boy that it's has a connection he can't just connect the dots. It's really feel off somehow.

The boy continue turning the stick that he holding so that the fish don't get burn. It's already night time and he was here grilling some fish that  he once again steal from the bear like monsters.

He actually almost got cought stealing. Luckily he was a fast runner. Thanks to Mr bull training every time i go fetch a water near his house.

The boy was already four and a half years old now or maybe even older. But he doesn't look like an actual one though. He small compared to a normal four year old but he was sure is smarter than an average four years olds.

Although being smart doesn't help you all the time. Especially in improving your stamina and strength which is basically the foundation of skill that you should have in order to survive in the current environment he is living.

But the boy  have an alternative by his lack of skill. He makes tools and equipment that let him work more efficiently. He also use it in hunting for food and gathering the resources he needed.

The resources to make the equipments and tool was the real problem .  The boy need to go play hide in seek with death while acquiring it. Well, he was pretty use to it by now.

He get off the cook fish from the fire and put it in a big green leave that was in the table. The table was just  a bunch of small branches that he poorly bundle together using some vines to form a table.

The boy go back inside the cage and get a piece of cloth that serve as his bag. It was full of berries and many varieties of other fruits.

After getting some fruits that will go with the fish the boy walk outside and go back to the table and start eating the now warm fish.

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