A broken soul

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The crowd was so noisy. You can't even have a proper conversation in such place.

But Knox who wasn't fun of such place was happy about what is happening for the first time.

Especially because the whole reason of such noisy crowd was him.

"Are you sure you want to attend such event young master?" Ask the worried physician. It was the same physician that travel with them.

"Don't worry about me. I think you should be more worried about Kai. I'm sure he felt terrible right now" Knox answered.

The physician wants to say something but he knew the young boy  was right.

"For a child not even at the age of ten you seems pretty well taking it" Said a familiar voice .

Knox look at Rosh whom he was holding currently.

"What to be afraid of? It was the execution of that witch who poisoned me, shouldn't i be glad?" Answer Knox with a smile on his lips.

This kid can really be scary sometimes

thought Rosh as he watch the playfulness dance on the boy's eyes

"Looks like it's starting" Said Rosh that makes Knox attention focus on the platform where the execution will be held.

The people are shouting angrily and throwing rocks and all at the convicted criminals.

The criminal can't do anything but cover their heads.

What's the point? Soon enough that head of your will be detached from your body anyway.

Knox thought as he watch the criminals covering their heads.

There are three guillotine and there are at least twenty people that will be beheaded according to the list he've given the Duke, minus the head  physician and other servants who didn't contribute much.

" Kill them!! Kill them!! Kill them!!" Chanted the crowd. Soon enough the execution start after Sir Minard read a scroll regarding what the crime the criminals have committed.

Some of the convicted is crying and pleading to spare them but no one was listening to them. Not the people, not the knights, not the Duke who looks at them coldly.

During the execution Knox never averted his gaze at the now bloody guillotine. He watch as every criminals head rolled down the platform.

He didn't feel disgusted or so. He only feel normal. As if he was just watching a normal show, not an execution.

Well, they deserve it. The criminals that was executed was all the people who was behind the poisoning. The servants who didn't contribute much was left at the dungeon until the day they die.

The crowd cheer become more loud as the main culprit set foot at the platform.

"Kill her!! Kill her!! Kill her!!" Shouted the crowd.

The woman look at their direction and glare at them one last time. She was crying but her anger doesn't subdue at all..

"You will regret this Duke!! I will not ascend to heaven without bringing you with me!!" Shouted the woman before the blade cut her head.

Knox cover his mouth with his hand not to stop his self from vomiting because of how gruesome the execution but to hide the smile that was forming in his lips as he watch the woman's head roll out from the platform.

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