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Storm Commando: In the name of the empire, surrender or be terminated rebel scum.

You all stood surrounded, 8 storm commando's with their commander surrounding both doors and surely with more hidden around the base.

Yang: You have no idea what you are doing bucket head!

Yang got ready to fight as you raised your hands in surrender m

(Y/N): Stand down.

Weiss: But-

(Y/N): Stand down... We're surrounded.

Yang Lowered her fists as the Commander of the storm commando's walked in.

Commander: Good Choice. Sit Commander (Y/N).

He walked up to a desk and sat down relaxed and you sat opposite him.

Commander: Care for a drink? Hmm?

He brought out his flask and offered it to the others.

Commandet: No? How about you?

He offered you it.

(Y/N): Sure.

You reached for it and he pulled it back.

Commander: ah ah ah... First we need to toast. To an imperial victory. Any one in particular Commander (Y/N).

(Y/N): How about... The second battle of Vale.

Team RWBY and Jaune looked confused.

Commander: You haven't told them yet?

(Y/N): Haven't had the time, it's only been an hour since they came back from the dead.

Commander: I see... Well kids.

He directed his attention to team RWBY and Jaune.

Commander: The second battle of Vale happened a year ago. 500,000 dead. Many of this Rebellionvs finest Died or went missing. Now we imperialvs weren't without our loses, the death of Grand Moff Tarkin, the Disappearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn and his fleet and no more... Salem... Oh yeah, (Y/N) here personally ordered that a ship send Salem into the sun after he captured her. But it was worth it.

(Y/N): Was it? All those civilians dead... All those troopers dead... People I was close to died... Same more than likely for you.

Commander: Yeah, yeah sure we all lost people... However we outlasted them boy. You, your Rebellion, the people that believe in it all think you want freedom... But what you really want is order. You see Boy, then everyone will welcome the empire with open arms.

He sat back and raised his flask.

Commander: To the empire...

You looked down and grinned before drawing your pistol and shooting him in the chest, causing him to fall down dead. Everything went silent and you saw a Storm commando standing there in shock. You shot him to and Storm, Felix, Rico, Haywire, Miles and Mayday opened fire on the other storm commando's.

Storm: Haywire, the doors now!

Haywire ran to the main terminal and shut all the command room doors tight.

Jaune: Great, now we are boxed in here!

Haywire: Not if I do this.

You all looked at the control screen and saw the outside doors opening. Rattling was heard, followed by blood curdling screams and silence.

You and the clones sat down as Yang shouted out angry.

Yang: How could you do that! To them, to Salem!

(Y/N): This is a war Yang. However if you want to know the full story of Vale... I'll tell you all it. Just take a seat... It'll be a long night.

Team RWBY and Jaune begrudgingly sat down and you spoke.

(Y/N): It all started with a call from professor Goodwitch...

To be continued...

Next Chapter: The second battle of Vale.

(Yes this is a chapter covering the battle)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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