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The students walked around the forest following professor Goodwitch as she spoke.

Glynda: Yes students the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked for all of you to gather samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

You looked at the trees in the forest. Their red leaves covered the area and fell.

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However this forest is full of the creatures of grim so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendeveu back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun.

The students went in separate directions with their teams. Team ADMT eventually found a good location to collect sap.

Akame: Let's get to it. Tatsumi stand guard incase any grimm come.

Tatsumi: Got it.

You got to retrieving the sap from the nearby trees filling a jar up. You went to another tree as you saw something sitting there and spoke.

(Y/N): Well what do we have here?

Akame, Mine and Tatsumi walked over and looked down to see a lone B1 Battle droid sitting deactivated.

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Mine: A battle droid? I thought the war never
made it out here?

You reached behind its head and removed its processor.

(Y/N): When we get back we can check it's video logs. Maybe even reboot it and give it a good clean.

Tatsumi: Its still strange...

You looked around and saw a familiar figure in the distance looking at the group.

Akame: What is it?

(Y/N): Sev? I'll go speak to him. If Goodwitch asks where I went, say I was pissing on a tree.

You walked off as Tatsumi spoke.

Tatsumi: Why can't he just say "I am at the toilet"?

You eventually reached Sev.

Sev: (Y/N)! It's good to see you brother.

(Y/N): Its good to see you too Sev. But there's a situation.

Sev: Has it got to do with youse being in beacon.

(Y/N): Yeah during that mission to Vale Ozpin got us arrested and either forced us to join Beacon or spend life in a maximum security prison.

Sev: Does anyone know your a clone besides the others?

(Y/N): One person is onto me but aside from that, no. Ozpin us monitoring us. If one person leaves the group its alright as it might be a "toilet break" but if one person leaves the rest will be sent to prison.

Sev: I see. Well I'll explain the situation to Najenda. It may be a few months until we can get the four of you out so be prepared for a long wait.

(Y/N): Got it. If I stay away from the group any longer the professor might get suspicious, so I'll speak to you again.

Sev: Speak to you again kid, and (Y/N)...

You looked at him.

Sev: May the force be with you.

You looked at him confused before walking away and back the the group.

Tatsumi: So what did he say?

(Y/N): I'll explain later.

You looked back down at the old battle droid and picked it up.

Mine: Your serious about taking it with us?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Akame: well we got the rest of the sap. So let's go.

The team returned to the Bullhead and you got weird looks from the other students as you carried the droid over your shoulders and the Bullhead took off.


Team ADMT had just entered their dorm and you set the droid against the wall and turned to them. And explained the situation to them.

They listened and Akame spoke up.

Akame: If we're going to be here for a few months we might as well get comfortable.

Tatsumi: Yeah...

You got to work on the droids processor and connected it to a computer. A recording popped up of the droid running through the forest as it spoke.

Droid: I'm free! I'm free! I'm free-

The recording stopped and the droid shut down.

(Y/N): Must of had an issue with it's programming.

Mine: Well at least we know how it got there.

The group sat there until Akame spoke up.

Akame: So, what about dinner.

(Y/N): Yeah... Should we just go to the cafeteria?

Tatsumi: I don't have a problem with that.

Mine: Agreed.

The group left the room.

To be continued...

(I'm thinking about doing those there trailers I like making for volume 2. Just a heads up.)

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