Imperial Contact

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1 Year after the fall

Location: Corosaunt Under City

A group of five walked through the undercity of corosaunt cloaked to meet a contact.

Storm: So who are we meeting again?

Punch: A clone designated as CC-2224

Felix: He better be at the meeting point like he agreed. But this whole thing feels sketchy.

(Y/N): We see what he wants, help him if need be and get out. Generals orders.

Galen: If he's still alive that is.

The team walked through the streets as they reached the agreed meeting place.

?: Hello boys.

You all looked at the clone which wore family white and grey Armor.

(Y/N): You CC-2224?

?: Yep but you can call me Cody.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) these are Storm, Felix, Punch and Galen.

Cody: There isn't much time, the Empire is planning to attack Haven next week. They decimated the Night Raid hideout.

You began to feel sad as you spoke.

(Y/N): Were there any survivors?

Cody: From what I heard in the reports only three confirmed casualties. A blonde girl, Aburn girl and a green haired guy. The others escaped into the forest. But that doesn't matter. Here take this.

Cody handed you a data disk.

Cody: It has all the information you need about the haven attack. The code for it is Seven five six se-

A blaster bolt ring out as it hit Cody in the face killing him instantly.

(Y/N): No!

The five moved into cover as imperial police gunships flew down and stormtroopers departed them.

Felix: Dammit! They knew!

Galen shot lightning out of his hands and disintegrated the police gunships.

Galen: Let's get back to the Shadow.

The group ran through the streets to where they docked the ship as robotic breathing is heard.

Galen: He's here... You four get in and get the ship ready. I'll hold Vader off.

The group got in and began to power up the ship as the doors to the hanger were pushed open and Darth Vader walked in.

Vader: So my apprentice has returned for one last Leason?

Galen: You are my Master no longer.

Galen used a massive force wave and pushed Vader into a wall as the Rogue Shadow took off. Galen jumped on board and it flew away.


Location: Profundity

The team walked to the bridge of the profundity and you handed the data disc to General Rex.

(Y/N): This is from Cody. He didn't make it. A sniper took him out before he finished giving us the code...

Rex looked down saddened before speaking again.

Rex: He will be remembered... What were the fidgets of the code he was giving you?

(Y/N): 756. Sir.

Rex: 756? That old sneak... Of course...

Punch: What is it sir?

Rex: 7567. My CT Number.

Rex keyed it in on the computer and it unlocked it.

Rex: Looks like documents talking about someone called "Salem" and some "relics". And all their plans for the assault on haven academy. Go get some R&R, you boys deserve it.

Oregon squad: Sir!

The team left and Halen pulled you aside.

Galen: Are you ready for your next lesson?

(Y/N): I was born ready.

To be continued...

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