Council Of The Relic

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You, Galen, Rex, Bly, Wolffe, Fordo, Alpha 17, Sev, Ozpin and Najenda sat in a meeting room as Rex spoke.

Rex: We are gathered here to discuss what will be done with the relic. Ozpin has already filled me in on everything about it and Salem.

Alpha: I suggest we use it. We can learn all of the empire's plans and hit them where it hurts.

Ozpin: That won't be possible, the relic's three questions were used up and it can only be used once every 100 years.

Bly: Then what?! If we can't use it what's the point in keeping it?

Sev: To keep it away from the empire and Salem.

Ozpin: The best way to do so is to take it to Atlas.

Wolffe: Atlas?! Sorry pal wevd love to but Atlas would just shoot us on site! They gunned down a gunship that was trying to help us gain contact and speak with the General.

You looked down in thought before coming up with an idea.

(Y/N): How about I take oregon squad with me and Ozpin and we Escort the lamp there by ground to Argus. Then we "borrow" an airship and fly to Atlas.

Fordo: That... Might actually work...

Rex: But what about when you get to Atlas? The military will shoot on sight.

Sev: Throw a few cloaks on and hide their appearance. It worked for the Dutchess of Mandalore so it could work for us.

Rex: Us?

Najenda: Night Raid will assist Oregon squad with this mission.

Ozpin: Teams RWBY and JNR along with Qrow will more than likely want to help aswell.

Galen: I won't be able to help out with this one unfortunately.

Rex: Oh yes... The Tarko-se arena thing.

Galen: once I'm done I can regroup with Rex and hopefully by then we'll have an alliance with Atlas.

Rex: Right. Then this will conclude the meeting. Everyone, your dismissed. Lieutenant (Y/N) can I speak with you a moment.

You walked up to Rex as the others left.

Rex: Take this communicator. It will allow you to contact an old friend of mine for help if you need it.

(Y/N): And if this friend of yours doesn't show up?

Rex: She will. Just call her Fulcrum while you speak to her. That's everything. Good luck, and may the force be with you.

You gave rex a short salute before leaving.

To be continued...

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