The Aftermath

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You woke up in a white medical bay and looked around to see droids moving medical equipment around.

?: Good your awake.

You looked over at the man to see a blonde short haired clone trooper sitting next to you.

(Y/N): What, where am I?

?: Your on the profundity the main base of operations for the clone freedom movement. I'm General Rex, and you are?

(Y/N): CT-0012 (Y/N) Delta (L/N), sir.

Rex: Delta? The genetically unaugmented clone?

(Y/N): Yeah...

Rex: Well it's an honor to meet you.

(Y/N): Its an honor to meet you too. But what about my teammates? They were part of Night Raid and managed to escape. Are they safe?

Rex: From what I can tell, yes. A Bullhead that matched the code for the one they usually use went off the reladar near mistral.

(Y/N): What about my droid, Rowe?

Rex: We tried to salvage his memory and data banks but couldn't get much from him.

Rex's communicator activated.

Clone: General, a ship identified as the Rogue Shadow is hailing us.

Rex: Put it through.

?: This is Galen Marek, I am seeking safe docking. I am a Jedi and want to help you in your fight against the empire.

Rex: Head to hanger Bay delta, I'll meet you there.

Galen: Copy that.

Rex got up to leave and you spoke to him.

(Y/N): Rex, for the foreseeable future, I want to help you and your clone Rebellion, but as soon as I reunite with night raid.

Rex: I understand. They are like a family to you.

(Y/N): I could put in a word to see if they want to help you.

Rex: Thanks kid. See you soon.

Location: Night Raid hideout.

The group left the Bullhead dejected.

Mine: I can't believe that he's gone...

Lubbock: He sacrificed himself to save us...

Tatsumi: And Rowe too...

Chelsea: Its just hard to believe he's dead...

Akame: No... I refuse to believe that...

Akame fell to the ground and broke out into tears as the others gathered around to comfort her.

Location: Imperial complex.

A tall dark figure loomed over a squad of purge troopers as he spoke.

(Purge trooper)

?: You will hunt Galen Marek down and execute the traitor on sight

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?: You will hunt Galen Marek down and execute the traitor on sight.

Purge trooper: Yes Lord Vader.

Purge trooper: Yes Lord Vader

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To be continued...

(Next few chapters will be dedicated to the new named characters that are apart of the clone Rebellion and its armory, vehicles and legions. So it may be a few chapters until the story starts up again)

RWBY x Akame ga kill x star wars clone male readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt