Plan 55

54 2 1

You and Split Lip opened the door to the box car and the group looked down.

Punch: This... Is not ideal...

May: Atleast we're not under the car.

Ruby: This isn't much better.

Shots hit the car as everyone took cover and shot back at the Atlesian soldiers.

(Y/N): Blake, get this car moving.

You shot one of the soldiers and he fell back dead.

Blake: They must of deactivated the controls in the car.

Punch: I can try to reboot the system, but I will need to plug directly into one of the terminals on the track.

You pointed at Storm, Ruby and Split Lip.

(Y/N): You three give us cover. Punch up top with me.

You helped Punch ontop of the car and he climbed onto the rail line as you opened another door and shot at some soldiers who were trying to shoot him.

Punch ran over and jumped onto the terminal where he ripped a panel off and plugged a device into it.

Punch: I'm plugged in. Stand by.

Location: Ironwoods office.

A soldier ran in and spoke.

Soldier: Sir! We've engaged insurgents on the rail line.

Ironwood: Send in air support and shoot them down.

lieutenant: But, sir, our own troops are trapped on the rail line. They could get caught in the cross fire.

Ironwood: I am aware. Do it.

Location: Rail line

The blaster fire continued as you returned to cover.

(Y/N): We've got three ships inbound.

Weiss: Where? I can't see them.

The ships engines got lower as Punch got closer to restoring the cars power.

(Y/N): Punch, We need power!

The Manta's flew past and opened fire damaging the back car as Punch's device lit up green.

Punch: Blake, now!

Blake reactivated the car.

Blake: We're online!

The Manta's turned around and Punch jumped onto the rail line. You set your dc 17 into sniper configuration and shot a Manta in its wing which caused it to fly back and collide with the second Manta.

The final Manta made it's run and opened fire. The back car's attachment point broke as punch fell and landed on it. The car began to pull down barely connected to the middle section and Punch Roled back as he attached a hook to the car and connected it to his armor causing to dangle over the clouds.

Split Lip: Come on, Punch! Hurry!

Punch: I am climbing as fast as I can.

The soldiers continued shooting which caused punch to fall back losing his progress on climbing.

Ruby: Punch!

(Y/N): Why aren't we moving?

Blake:The car's being ripped from the track.

(Y/N): Split Lip, get him on board.

Split Lip moved closer but the whole car rattled.

Punch: Whoa! Don't! Any shift in weight could send both of these cars over.

The Manta came back with more joining it.

Punch: You must sever the connection hinge. Now!

Split Lip: Not until you're up here.

Punch:There is no time, Split Lip.

Punch drew his pistol.

Punch: Plan 55.

Split Lip: Don't you do it, Punch!

Punch sighed.

Punch: Live to fight another day boys... Live to fight another day...

He raised his pistol and shot the coupling for the cars and the damaged car fell with him underneath it towards Atlas as the car you all stood in took off.

Split Lip: No!

The car rushed towards it's final destination too fast.

(Y/N): The car's going too fast.

Blake: The system's fried. I can't stop it.

A group of soldiers stood at the terminal but began to move back when they realised the car had no intention of Stopping.

Soldier: Move! Look out!

The car crashed and everything went dark as you passed out.

To be continued...

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