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You stood with Split Lip as he placed pieces of your Armor on him.

(Y/N): There, your Armor along with mine should provide extra protection against small arms fire.

Split Lip: What about you? You'll need Armor.

(Y/N): I'm taking a few bits from those rocket troopers that attacked us. Now let's go meet up with the others.

You both heard a shout and ran out.

Penny: Please... Please! I cannot fight it!

You both reached outside and saw the group standing there with relief on their faces.

Jaune: Did... I stop the virus?

Penny looks at her hands, contemplating Jaune’s words.

Penny: No. It’s still there.

Ruby: But you’ve got an Aura, Penny, a soul. That’s who you are, our friend, not a machine.

The group enjoy a moment of silence, being happy that they didn’t lose Penny.

Emerald: I think you’re wrong, by the way.

They all turn around to look at Emerald, who was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed.

Emerald: I highly doubt you’re in the same place you started. I-I mean, yeah, y-you guys have been getting your asses kicked, some of that my fault, but like, you’re at war. You’re gonna take hits.

Emerald looks away, trying to figure out what she was trying to say.

Emerald: Look, I’m just going to be super pissed if you all finally decided to give up the moment I switch sides.

Oscar: Switched sides, huh?

Emerald opens her mouth to reply, but is unable to retort.

Yang: Aww.

The group begins to giggle at Emerald's look of embarrassment.

Emerald: Or like, whatever.

Oscar offers Emerald a hand, which she accepts, and lifts her up.

Oscar: If you all wouldn’t mind, I really think Ozpin would like to say something.

Everyone silently looks at Ruby until you spoke up.

(Y/N): Go ahead.

Oscar's eyes briefly flash gold, and Ozpin walks forward.

Ozpin: I was recently reminded of an old fairy tale. A young girl flees the consequences of a choice, to a magical place. But, having never learned from her initial failure, she only succeeds in spreading it. I failed all of you. I should have trusted you with the truth and should never have run the day you discovered it.

Yang: It was rough, but…

Blake: I think after everything that’s happened here, we understand. Trust is..

Weiss: Trust is a risk.

Ozpin: And I hope it’s a risk you can take on me again.

Ruby silently nods her head at Ozpin.

Penny frowns, clutching her chest in pain.

Penny: I can still feel it fighting me.

Jaune: I can’t just keep amping her forever.

Storm: And we can’t keep Ironwood waiting.

Ahsoka walked up and spoke.

Ahsoka: It doesn't help that the imperial fleet here is led by Grand Admiral Thrawn. They are landing ground forces and soon... All of Atlas will be over run.
Penny clutches her head in pain.

Nora: Guys, she has to go to the Vault.

Everyone looks down in thought, except for Ruby who looks around at everyone.

Ruby: That’s actually a risk we haven’t considered.

Split Lip: So I'm not going to rush them on this Armor now?

(Y/N): We'll find something for you to do with it.

Location: Star destroyer Chimera: Bridge

Thrawn overlooked Atlas as he spoke to a hologram of an officer.

Thrawn: You may begin your assault. The three Royal Guards will be down. They will try to use the staff to escape but the guards will stop them...

Officer: Yes Grand Admiral.

The hologram deactivated as Thrawn looked out to see Atlas smoking in ruins.

To be continued...

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