The Lamp

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You slowly began to wake up as you heard voices.

Split Lip: What was that?!

Sev: I have no Idea...

Akame: He's over here!

You heard them running towards you.

Storm: This is where Ruby pitched up the lamp... She never even bothered looking for him!

You felt your body being pulled out as a blinding light shone through your visor.

Storm: Sir are you alright?!

(Y/N): Never been better... What happened...

Sev: The train crashed. The others are arguing with Ozpin about his secrets. And Ruby appears to have lied about you not being where the lamp was despite your body being half way out of the snow and in the exact location where she found the lamp.

(Y/N): Great... They go from friends to hating the guts out of me. Let's go.

The five walked up as they heard Ozpin.

Ozpin: Please, now is not the time.

Yang: No, were past that!

(Y/N): Shut it all of you! Ruby, give me the relic.

Ruby: Uh...

(Y/N): Give me it and please explain why you lied to the others.

Yang: Ruby, lie to us? You've gone crazy clone.

Storm: She said the (Y/N) wasn't anywhere near where she found the relic. Yet, when we searched for him we found him where Ruby said she found the relic.

Yang backed away quietly.

Ozpin: Ruby, hand me the relic. I will keep it-

He froze as some of the others looked at him confused.

Oscar: He's trying to stop you.

Yang: Stop her from what?

Oscar: He's afraid that you'll find out what he's hiding.

He fell to the ground.

(Y/N): What he's hiding doesn't matter right now. We need to find shelter. The weather is getting terrible we need to-

Blake: Shut it clone!

Split Lip: Don't you dare talk to the commander like that!

He raised his DC 15A at Blake.

Yang: Back off lab rat!

Yang Raised Ember Cilica at Split Lip.

Sev: You back off.

Sev raised his DC-17m to Yang.

Weiss: Or what?

Weiss Raised Myrtenaster at Sev.

Storm: Or your storied lives end here.

Storm raised his Valken to Weiss.

Akame: What has gotten into you four? Lying about (Y/N) And now this!

Everything went silent as Oscar spoke again.

Oscar: Her name is Jynn. Say her name to Summon her.

Ruby: Her Name?

All time stopped as they all stood around perplexed.

Qrow: What?

The relic glowed a bright blue as smoke came out of it. Ruby let go of it as it floated. You all stared at it as a giant mostly naked blue woman came out of it and Storm wistled.

Jynn: Wonderful. Tell me. What knowledge do you seek?

She floated there as most of the group stared at her.

Jynn: I am Jynn a being created by the God of light to aid humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I have been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. Your in luck as I am still able to answer.


Jynn: Two questions this era. It's a pleasure to see you again old man.

Ozpin: Ruby. Please don't...

Qrow: Hey.

Team RWBY drew there Weapons and pointed them at Qrow.

Qrow: Look do whatever you think is right Kiddo.

Ruby: Jynn. What is Ozpin hiding from us?

Ozpin: Nooooo!

Everything turned white. You were alone as Jynn spoke.

Jynn: Once upon a time. There stood a lonely tower. That sheltered a lonely girl. Named Salem...

To be continued...

(I'm going to do a few short chapter like I did in my Auraless Warrior book to explain a few things.)

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