Search And Destroy

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Location: Corosaunt

Stormtroopers patrolled the streets as they talked about recent news.

Trooper 1: Did you hear about the 327th and their commander?

Trooper 2: Bunch of traitors. They will be executed on sight.

They walked through the streets and approached an old man who sat wearing old ruined clone Armor.

Clone: Could you spare any credits? Help a veteran out...

The two troopers looked at him and scoffed.

Trooper 2: And the clones that stick around are as useless as this guy.

The trooper got shot in the back of the head as hell broke loose in the capital as rebels opened fire on the patrolling stormtroopers even with the veteran raising a gun and shooting the first trooper.

Location: Beacon

Team RWBY and ADMT stood mostly in shock as Weiss spoke up.

Weiss: Professor Oobleck?

Oobleck: Yes I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary students. Seeing as you have chosen to shadow a huntsman in what is officially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be setting up a primary base of operations. Rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous waste land and will be making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I have packed all the essentials myself provided the air course and readied the airship. And! Its Dr, Oobleck. I didn't earn a PhD for fun thank you very much.

Weiss: Uhh...

Oobleck: Come now children, according to my schedule we are already 3 minutes behind, schedule.

He zoomed off to the airship.

Ruby: Oh alright then, looks like we're going to save the world with Dr. Oo-bleck okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse...

Nora: Save the world?!

(Y/N): I'm going to the ship.

Rowe: Roger Roger.

You and Rowe walk off to the ship and wait on it patiently until Oobleck shouted at the others.

Oobleck: Four minutes!


The Bullhead flew into the abandoned city known as Mountain Glenn. You sat with your feet dangling out the side of the Bullhead as it came close to the ground.

You all jumped out and Akame spoke up to you.

Akame: (Y/N). Take recon on the buildings.

(Y/N): Copy that.

You ran to one of the derelict buildings and seeped it as Oobleck spoke to the others. You cleared the top floor of the building until you heard a Bark and looked at the others to see Oobleck holding a dog.

(Y/N): Building clear. Good spot to set up camp if we stay for the night. Moving forward to the next building.

Before Oobleck could stop you, you were already gone and had began to sweep another building.

You found old clone Armor with a few pieces of old equipment. Two holsters with DC-17's in them.



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RWBY x Akame ga kill x star wars clone male readerWhere stories live. Discover now