Argus Limited

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Oregon Squad walked into the station followed by Night Raid.

(Y/N): Ozpin, RWBY, JNR and Qrow should be here. You all ready?

Split Lip: Yes Commander!

Najenda: Commander? I thought you were a Lieutenant?

(Y/N): Last minute promotion before the Mission.

Punch: I hate to intrude but we should regroup with the others.

Tatsumi: Agreed.

The group walked through the station and reached team RWBY's location.

Yang: Took all ten of you long enough.

Oscar: What took you all so long?

(Y/N): Just speaking to the general. Let's go.

You walked up to the train and entered.


Your team sat in a train car as the snowy tundra passed and a knock came to the door.

Akame: Is (Y/N) there?

(Y/N): Yep. I'll be out now. Felix, don't kill the new guy.

Felix: Me kill Split lip? I would never... Probably...

You got up and exited the room and came face to face to Akame.

(Y/N): Its... Been a while...

Akame: Yes... It has... We thought you were dead...

(Y/N): I know... And I'm sorry...

Akame: Why didn't you return to us? You knew where we were...

(Y/N): Rex needed me... I couldn't leave my brothers after they rescued me. But every day I longed to meet up with all of you again. But I don't regret choosing to fight for Rex's Rebellion.

Akame stood and looked down.

(Y/N): However I will stand by your side. No matter what. And I owe you my life for saving me on more that one occasion.

*On the other side of the door*

Felix: This is the part where they kiss...

Storm: Felix that's enough. If the commander catches you listening in on his conversations again he'll-

An explosion rocked the train and you entered the room.

(Y/N): Grimm. Topside well deal with them.

Split Lip: Sir Yessir!

Oregon Squad, Night Raid, RWBY, JNR, Oscar and Qrow got ontop of the train.

(Y/N): Split Lip, stay with the others. Punch, Storm and Felix, Plan 482.

Oregon Squad ran towards the sphynx while you and storm opened fire. The huntsman fell back as you and punch slid underneath the massive grimm.

(Y/N): Storm! Legs!

Storm shot his sniper and disabled the sphynx's legs.

(Y/N): Punch! Overdose!

Punch ripped a load of needles out of his medical pouch and stuck them in one of the sphynx's legs.

(Y/N): Felix! Kaboom!

Felix shot his rocket launcher into the sphynx's mouth and caused it to fall off of the train as the other grimm began to disperse.

Oscar: Tunnel!

Everyone got back into the train before it entered the tunnel.

You, Storm, Felix and Punch walked into the train car where everyone sat.

(Y/N): I have a plan. But it requires us splitting up.

Yang: Oh please. We're all ears "Commander".

You rolled your eyes at Yangs attitude.

(Y/N): Me, Split Lip, Storm, Team RWBY, Akame, Sev, Oscar and Qrow stay behind and keep the Grimm occupied on us. Jaune you can amplify Ren's aura and mask everyone else. Punch your in charge on my stead, just don't let Felix help. He'll end up screwing it up.

Felix: Hey!

Punch: Sir yes sir!

Ozpin: I'm afraid there is one complication. The Grimm are also attracted to this.

He pointed to the relic that was attached to your belt.

Huntsman: What's that?

(Y/N): Classified.

Qrow: Oz? Are you serious?

Yang: Why wouldn't you tell us that?

(Y/N): That doesn't matter right now. We need to get ready to go out there again.

Yang pouted as you spoke up.

(Y/N): Get all the passengers to the front. Blake can you detach the train car?

Blake: Yeah...

(Y/N): Get to it people. We got a job to do!

The train cleared the tunnel and the group staying behind got out as the others went on.

(Y/N): Stay close Split Lip.

Split Lip: Sir Yessir!

Storm: Shit... Its back...

Everyone looked up and saw the sphynx's flying back.

Yang: Wow... Great job guys. Can't even kill a single grimm. You are just as bad as storm-

Sev headshot a gryphon that was about to ambush Yang.

(Y/N): Smart arse, your team and Qrow finish of the sphynx. Everyone else, get to work. Sev, eyes up for grimm coming from above.

Sev: Got it.

(Y/N): Storm look out for one's coming head on.

Storm: Got it.

(Y/N): Akame and Split Lip, with me.

Akame/Split Lip: Got it/sir!

You, Akame and Split Lip ran up and opened fire/slices at the gryphons as they flew in. However another one flew in and hit Split Lip off of the train.

(Y/N): Split Lip!

You ran over to the edge and tried to grab him barely missing...

Split Lip fell. Everything slowed down for you as you reached out.

Galen: Reach out and focus. Its like doing a womprat with storms sniper...

Split Lip levitated in the air and slowly came close to the train.

Split Lip: What the?

You pulled him onto the train and set him down before falling down exhausted. The last thing you felt was the train rocking as it fell off of the tracks and everything went dark.

To be continued...

RWBY x Akame ga kill x star wars clone male readerWhere stories live. Discover now