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As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Freen stirred in her sleep, the warmth of the sun casting a gentle glow on her peaceful features. With a soft sigh, she stretched her limbs and shifted in the bed, reaching out instinctively for the comforting presence of her wife, Rebecca.

But as her hand brushed against the empty space beside her, Freen's brow furrowed in confusion. Rebecca was usually still asleep at this hour, curled up beside her in the embrace of slumber. Concern prickled at the edges of Freen's consciousness, nudging her awake with a sense of urgency.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Freen's eyes fluttered open, scanning the room for any sign of her missing wife. The soft morning light cast a golden hue over the familiar surroundings, but there was no trace of Rebecca to be found.

"Baby?" Freen's voice was soft yet tinged with apprehension as she called out, hoping for a response that didn't come. She listened intently for any sound, but the silence that greeted her only deepened her sense of unease.

With a growing sense of urgency, Freen pushed back the covers and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, her bare feet meeting the cool floor beneath them. She rose to her feet, the floorboards creaking softly with each step as she made her way out of the bedroom.

The house was quiet, save for the faint sounds of morning filtering in through the open windows. Freen's heart raced in her chest as she searched each room, calling out for Rebecca with increasing concern. Where could she be? The question echoed in Freen's mind as she continued her search, determined to find her wife and ease the growing knot of worry in her stomach.

Freen's hurried footsteps echoed through the silent house as she made her way downstairs, the sense of urgency still tugging at her heartstrings. But as she descended the staircase and her senses were greeted by the tantalizing aroma of breakfast cooking, a wave of relief washed over her.

The worries that had plagued her moments ago melted away in an instant, replaced by a warm sense of comfort and contentment. Freen's pace slowed as she approached the kitchen, her eyes fixed on the familiar figure standing at the stove.

There, amidst the gentle sizzle of food cooking and the fragrant steam rising from the pots and pans, stood Rebecca. Freen's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of her wife, clad in one of Freen's oversized shirts that engulfed her slender frame.

With that, A soft smile tugged at Freen's lips as she watched Rebecca move with practiced ease, her attention focused on the task at hand. The morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow around Rebecca's form and illuminating her features with a gentle radiance.

Freen's heart swelled with love and gratitude as she approached, the warmth of the kitchen enveloping her in a sense of homecoming. With each step, the tension that had gripped her moments ago faded into the background, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility.

"Good morning, love," Freen said softly, her voice infused with warmth and affection as she reached out to wrap her arms around Rebecca's waist from behind. The familiar scent of her wife's hair and scents washed over her, filling her senses with a comforting familiarity.

Rebecca turned at the sound of Freen's voice, her eyes brightening with a smile as she met Freen's gaze. "Good morning, sweetheart," she replied, her voice soft and melodic.

They stood there for a moment, basking in the comfort of each other's presence, the worries of the outside world fading into the background.

Rebecca leaned back into Freen's embrace, her body relaxing against her, as if finding solace in the warmth of their connection. Freen pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Rebecca's shoulder, savoring the sweet intimacy of the moment.

For a while letting freen did that, rebecca turned off the stove before she turned in Freen's embrace, her eyes meeting Freen's with a tender affection that sent a shiver down Freen's spine. In that gaze, Freen saw everything she needed to know – love, trust, and an unspoken promise of forever.

"The breakfast is done." Rebecca smiles.

"Thank you for cooking, baby," Freen said, her voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with sincerity and gratitude while staring to rebecca deeply yet softly.

Rebecca smiled, a radiant expression that lit up her face and warmed Freen's soul. "It's my pleasure," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with warmth.

Freen's gaze fall down onto rebecca's lips, and once again she can't even hide her own needs to taste rebecca every second. With a little move, she planted a peck against rebecca's lips, a quick peck which making rebecca chuckled and willingly accept it.

Then, another peck. Second peck, third peck, fourth peck, and lastly, the peck turned to a kiss, as freen kissing rebecca passionately with rebecca slowly responding to her. Its a kiss that filled with love and joy, a kiss that freen know she always need for her everyday dose.

For a while kissing, Rebecca gently pulled away from Freen, her hand finding and pushing Freen's chest as she looked into her eyes with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. She suddenly remembered about something. "baby." Rebecca stops her, as freen look at rebecca with her eyebrows raised. God, rebecca just stop their kissing moments!

"there's something I need to ask you," she began, her voice soft yet filled with determination.

Freen looked at her curiously, sensing the seriousness in Rebecca's tone. "Of course, anything," she replied, her brows furrowing slightly with concern.

"Irin called me this morning," Rebecca explained, her gaze unwavering as she searched Freen's eyes for understanding. "We planned to have a hang out at her house. Can i go there?" Rebecca ask with a little pout.

Freen nodded, her expression thoughtful as she processed Rebecca's words. She knew how important Irin was to Rebecca, and she also understood the bond they shared. "Of course, baby," she said, squeezing Rebecca's hand reassuringly. "You don't need my permission to be there for your friend. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"

Rebecca smiled gratefully, the tension in her shoulders easing at Freen's understanding. "Thank you, Freen," she said, her voice filled with appreciation and excitement. "I'll only be gone for a little while, I promise."

With a final squeeze of Freen's hand, Rebecca leaning and give a quick peck on her lips making freen raise her eyebrows in shock. "A thankyou gift." Rebecca stick out her tongue before turning around to served the foods, making freen smirks alone. God, rebecca. The only woman in her life is rebecca.

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