ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 15

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As the car glided through the city streets, Freen and Rebecca found themselves enroute to the restaurant, their destination looming on the horizon like a beacon of possibility amidst the uncertainty that hung in the air. Despite the tension that had lingered at Armstrong's mansion just moments ago, Freen was determined to clear the air and address the unresolved issues that had arisen between them.

She need to talk to rebecca more about this.

In the quiet confines of the car, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air, mingling with the gentle hum of the engine as it carried them forward on their journey. Though the weight of their conversation hung heavy between them, there was also a flicker of hope—a belief that perhaps, amidst the chaos of their conflicting emotions, they could find common ground and mend the fractures that threatened to tear them apart.

As they neared the restaurant, Freen stole a glance at Rebecca, her heart heavy with the weight of the stories or the knowledge that she learned about rebecca today. Rebecca is not happy, and just like what rebecca said when she's drunk, everything is true and that's make freen felt a spark of determination to make her happy and to taking care of her.

As they arrived in front of the luxury restaurant building, that's make rebecca quickly glance to freen and gulped herself alone. "Y-you... want to eat at this luxury restaurant?" Rebecca somehow have the courage to ask freen that.

"Hm. why?" Freen humming and that's when rebecca look down. Freen regarded Rebecca with a mixture of curiosity and concern when she observed her fidgeting nervously in her seat.

"Why, Rebecca? Just tell me," Freen pressed gently, her tone was so soft, laced with a hint of curiosity and as she sought to understand the underlying reasons behind this girl's hesitation.

Rebecca hesitated, her gaze fixed on her fidgeting fingers as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. Finally, she spoke up, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Erm... can we... can we not eating here? Can we just eat homemade food or something from a convenience store?" Rebecca's request hung in the air between them, and Freen couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy at the vulnerability that shone through in this little girl's words.

As the realization dawned on Freen, she felt a surge of compassion for Rebecca, understanding now why she appeared so thin. It was clear that Rebecca's hesitance stemmed from a discomfort with luxury and extravagance, a stark contrast to the opulence that surrounded them in the restaurant.

With a gentle nod, Freen reached out to place a reassuring hand on Rebecca's shoulder, offering her a warm smile of understanding."Of course, Rebecca. We can go wherever you feel comfortable. Convenience store's foods sounds wonderful." Freen replied, her voice filled with genuine warmth and acceptance.

And with that, freen immediately start the car again and drove away, while Freen couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of admiration for Rebecca's humility and sincerity, a reminder of the beauty that lay within the simplicity of shared moments and genuine connections. Seriously, rebecca is different. Just like how her heart beating right now, that's how much she want to know rebecca—like crazy.

After for a while driving, freen taking her to a beautiful park, that so peaceful and no one were there. The park lightens up with the beautiful lights, as freen lead them towards the bench that had its table, making the two of them sitting, facing each other.

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