ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 35

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As the days passed and its already a week since their wedding, Rebecca found herself immersed in the intricacies of her new life as a wife, yet her thoughts still lingered on the unresolved issues with the Armstrongs. Despite the title of husband and wife, freen and rebecca will always search a 'topic' to fight with each other and rebecca can't denied of what irin said is true. Freen is super annoying.

Freen will tease her whenever she can, and even after a week staying with her under the same roof, gosh, rebecca wish she could run away from this mansion. Seriously. Freen will get on her nerve everytime and everyday!

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the mansion's compound as Rebecca took a leisurely stroll, her mind drifting with thoughts of the tumultuous events that had unfolded in recent days. Lost in her thoughts, she was caught off guard when a figure appeared before her, causing her to startle and instinctively draw back.

"Bec... please... we should fix this..." Non's voice broke through the stillness of the afternoon, his tone pleading and desperate. Rebecca's initial shock gave way to a surge of anger and frustration as she recognized the man standing before her. She narrowed her eyes, her expression hardening as she braced herself for what was to come.

"What? What are you doing here? Non! I'm married! Get your ass away!" Rebecca's voice rang out, sharp and commanding, her anger simmering just below the surface. She attempted to pull away from Non's grasp, but he held on tightly, his grip unyielding as he refused to let her go.

"Please, Bec... I know you don't love her. Please. You need to help me. You still can divorce with her and marry me, rebecca." Non's words were a desperate plea, his voice thick with emotion as he implored her for assistance. Despite her anger, Rebecca couldn't ignore the pain etched into Non's features, the weariness in his eyes speaking volumes of the turmoil that plagued him.

The tension between them hung heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of the rift that had formed between them. Rebecca took a deep breath, steeling herself against the onslaught of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She met Non's gaze with a steely resolve, her jaw set in determination.

"Let me go, Non." Rebecca firmly said but Non continued to grip Rebecca's hand tightly, oblivious to their surroundings, a shadow fell over them, casting a chill over the warm afternoon. Freen's sudden appearance sent a jolt of surprise through Rebecca, her heart skipping a beat as she turned to face freen.

"What the fuck is happening?" Freen's eyes blazed with fury as she stormed towards them, her footsteps heavy and purposeful. With a sharp tug, she pulled Rebecca away from Non's grasp, her touch possessive and commanding. Rebecca's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she found herself caught between the tension of the moment.

"Wowowow... you got a nerve to beg and hold my wife's hand?" Freen's voice was sharp and cutting, her words laced with anger as she glared daggers at Non. The intensity of her gaze sent a shiver down Rebecca's spine, her stomach twisting with apprehension.

Rebecca felt a wave of panic wash over her as she struggled to find her voice, torn between the conflicting emotions swirling within her. She could feel Freen's grip tightening around her waist, a silent reminder of the possessive hold she had over her.

Caught in the midst of the brewing storm, Rebecca's mind raced as she searched for a way to diffuse the tension before it escalated further. But as the seconds ticked by, she knew that the fragile peace they had managed to maintain was hanging by a thread, threatening to unravel at any moment.

The tension crackled in the air like electricity as Non and Freen faced off, their words sharp and biting as they exchanged verbal blows. Rebecca felt like a mere spectator in the midst of their heated confrontation.

"What the fuck you coming here?" Freen groaned, jaw clench, and eyes as sharp as knife.

"I want to talk with Rebecca! Not you, fucking bitch," Non spat out, his tone filled with venom as he glared at Freen, his anger simmering just below the surface. But Freen was not one to back down easily, her resolve unyielding as she met Non's gaze with a steely glare of her own.

"Oh really? Rebecca is my fucking wife. And you should know your place, Mr. Non Ratchanon. You should respect me. I repeat, respect me," Freen's voice rang out, each word dripping with authority as she asserted her dominance. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, her breath coming in ragged bursts as she struggled to contain her anger.

Rebecca watched in silence, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for the inevitable clash between her husband and her ex fiance.

Rebecca's breath caught in her throat as she felt Freen's grip more tighten around her waist, her body tense with the palpable anger radiating from her wife. Freen possessively hold her. Seriously, at that moment rebecca was so afraid of her. The air crackled with tension as Freen's words hung heavy in the space between them, a stark warning of the consequences awaiting Non if he dared to defy her.

"Run away before I change my mind. I could make you disappear from this country and can't come back forever. Remember that. And I repeat, don't fucking touch my wife"Freen's voice was sharp and cutting, her tone laced with menace as she delivered her ultimatum with unwavering resolve. Rebecca could feel the tremors coursing through Freen's body, a physical manifestation of the rage boiling beneath the surface.

Non swallowed hard, his eyes widening in fear as he recoiled from Freen's wrath. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their confrontation and serving as a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play. In that moment, it was clear that Freen held all the cards, her authority unchallenged and her dominance absolute.

Quickly, Non grind her teeth in annoyed as he run away from the mansion's compound, leaving the two again.

And with that too, freen scoffed as she let go of rebecca's waist and walk away coldly without even glancing towards rebecca.

Rebecca's heart thudded in her chest as Freen's cold demeanor cut through the air like a sharp gust of wind. With a gulp, she catch freen up, her fingers tightening around her husband's hand, desperate for some sign of warmth or understanding.

"Freen..." Rebecca's voice wavered, laced with uncertainty as she tried to break through the wall of anger that Freen had erected around herself. Of course, she know that freen might be mad over how rude Non is towards her. Still, freen is a royal blood person.

"What?!" Freen's response was sharp, her tone dripping with irritation as she refused to meet Rebecca's gaze.

"Are you mad at me or what?" Rebecca's question hung in the air, the weight of her words heavy with apprehension. She standing and facing freen as she watched how Freen's jaw clenched tightly and her eyes flashing with frustration.

"Me? Mad about what? I fucking mad about he's disrespecting me. Fuck. You should've taught your ex-fiancé properly," Freen's voice was cold and cutting, each word laced with venom as she turned away, her anger palpable in the tense set of her shoulders.

Rebecca's heart sank as she watched Freen retreat, leaving her standing alone in the wake of their confrontation. She sighed heavily, staring to the figure.

"Get ready, Mother and grandmother ask us to go back to the palace for lunch," Freen's voice carried back to her, the sharpness of her tone echoing in the empty space between them.

Rebecca could only watch in silence as Freen disappeared from view, a sense of loneliness settling over her like a heavy cloak. With a heavy heart, she turned and made her way back to the mansion, the weight of Freen's anger lingering in the air around her.

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