the moonlight.

239 9 7

warning : nsfw at the end of the chapter

"What are you saying?" for a moment, you were in denial. You hoped you heard it wrong.

"Kai is currently warded. He was involved in an accident which caused by a sudden gang attack. I was informed by Yaku this early morning" Akaashi repeated.

Your jaw dropped slightly hearing that. An accident? Gang attack? Could it possibly be? You furrowed your brows, deeply in thought for a while.

It was only yesterday since you landed in Tokyo from your New York trip. Neither you nor Kuroo had contacted each other throughout your work trip. Seemed like he was busy himself, the same goes for you.

"Akaashi" you looked up at your assistant. The man pulled the chair and sat down, lending his ears and attention to you. He knew there were things lingering inside of your mind. Your face said so.

"Could this relate to Kou's death?" you bit your lower lip, assuming that it was inappropriate and unnecessary to bring up Bokuto's death on this issue. But for God's sake, you can't help yourself from overthinking about it.

First, the Lucifer's incident that killed Yamamoto. Followed by the person who appeared on your doorstep with his hand covered in blood. Third, Bokuto was shot right in front of Kuroo and it was in public, which meant it was intentional. And now, Kai was attacked by a gang when he was on his way back home.

The dots were starting to connect even if the time gaps were quite a distance. Everything had been planned by you don't know who was it.

Akaashi hummed in thought. He could sense something was up under someone's sleeves. He couldn't disagree with all the assumptions you had in you. This could have been planned, very well yet, the mastermind was still anonymous.

Who could they possibly be?

"I couldn't assure you that it's 100% right but, maybe it does relate with Bokuto's death. But then, y/n..."

"It's not Bokuto who's their target."

No, I did not like how this sounded.

"Seems like it's Kuroo who they're targeting. It's just, they're hurting the people around him first before they get Kuroo himself" added Akaashi, which doesn't do justice to your overthinking.

You buried your face in your hands, chest started to pump up and down in a rhythmic motion. Your air felt shorter. For a moment, you felt overwhelmed and suffocated. One hand flopped down to clench on your chest. You barely could catch a breath and you started gasping.

"Y/N?" Akaashi called your name, concerned seeing the drastic change in you.

"Shit" he cursed and got up, opening the door of your office and screaming for Konoha or anyone to get a glass of water. Seeing Akaashi panicking got the others to feel worried as well. Akaashi rushed to your side, pulling you up to lean you against your seat.

"Y/N, can you hear me? Try to take a deep breath and calm down" he kneeled down next to your seat, unbuttoning the cuffs of your blouse.

"Empty your mind and calm down. Follow me. Inhale... exhale...." he demonstrated the breathing technique to help you to calm down.

You tried to follow his action, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly a few times. Not too long after that, Konoha came into your office with a glass of water. He handed you the glass for you to drink.

You drank up slowly, emptying the glass before Konoha grabbed the glass from you once again. You were still gasping but it was better than earlier.

Akaashi did not move his eyes from looking at you. He did not ask you any questions but gave you some space and time to balance your breathing. You repeated the technique a couple of times more until you felt much better.

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