the separation.

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A week had passed since the funeral. Everything has changed. The mood, atmosphere, and even your relationship with Kuroo. You decided to sleep in your room, going back to the life before you married him.

You kept yourself locked in your room, had meals in bed, and refused to go to the company. You still cry yourself to sleep, remembering all the memories you had with Bokuto while he was still alive.

Honestly, you missed him. A lot.

Akaashi did give you a call just to check on you and your answers would stay the same; I'm okay. He's not that stupid to not understand that it was the opposite. Or more like, you were trying to be okay.

You don't know what's going on with the company, both Nekoma Corp. and Fukurodani Empire. You knew that Akaashi would make sure everything was going well according to what he had planned with your late brother. Akaashi's been a trustworthy rightwing for Bokuto ever since they met up. That's why you trust him so much.

As for Nekoma Corp., you did not contact any of them. They did try to reach out for you but you had your phone off for the whole week. You couldn't see yourself talking or meeting up with people. Not when you're still mourning over the death of your brother.

You've lost weight so much. You did not eat as regularly as you used to. There were times when you were forced to eat by Hina or Mrs. Akira and that's because they were deadly worried about your condition. You fell sick easily, ended up wrapping yourself with the thick duvet like a burrito, and slept the day away. That had become your routine for a whole week.

You barely see Kuroo as well. The last time where you talked to him was really a week ago, right after you both came home from the funeral. And it did not end on a good note. He came home later than usual. He had stopped becoming a passenger, instead, he'd been driving back and forth to the company on his own.

Both you and Kuroo have been giving cold shoulders to each other. Yes, you did walk past him when he was home but none of you initiated a topic, what's more for an apology? He spent the rest of his hours locked in his office while you isolated yourself in your own room.

Nothing changed.


The door opened after a while and Mrs. Akira appeared behind the wooden surface. Hina came in after her while holding a tray filled with food. The usual thing you've been having for almost eight days in a row.

"Madame, it's time for dinner" Mrs. Akira was the first one to greet you. Hina came to your side and placed down the tray on top of your bedside table.

"We cooked you miso soup" she said, grinning to cheer you up. Looking at those two, you realize that people still care about you at the time when you tried pushing them away. And for that, you feel grateful to have them in your life. At least, your life wasn't that bad while you were locked in this house.

"Just leave it here. I'll eat later" you forced your chapped lips to smile, assuring them but they did not take the bait. Mrs. Akira sat down at the edge of the bed and scanned your face.

Pale, like a walking corpse.

"You've skipped lunch. You barely touched your portion earlier" Mrs. Akira palmed your forehead. Slightly hot from the cold you caught.

"I'm not hungry, that's why" you faked a smile, pretending that you're okay when in fact, you haven't recovered. Even as the days passed, you felt like it was only yesterday you talked with Bokuto. You missed him so much that it hurt you.

"You're forcing yourself not to eat, madame. You're torturing your tummy and that's not good" Mrs. Akira took the bowl to her lap, scooped some of the soup, and brought the spoon close to your mouth.

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