the call.

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"You have a meet-up with Zhang Mingze in Beijing in two weeks. This is a follow-up meeting regarding to the charity event that was proposed by Bokuto a few months ago. The agreement has been met by both sides so the next meeting will most likely to be the discussion of the budgeting and other stuff" Akaashi explained while he organized the documents on your table.

It's been four days since you took over the CEO position and Akaashi has not left your side until your working hour ends. He had spared you all the details about the upcoming projects that were proposed and led by Bokuto. Most of them sounded quite tough, frankly but Akaashi kept assuring you that things will be done smoothly, as long as he's there to guide.

Four days in as the CEO, you were given documents to check on and to sign, whether if it was to accept or decline any project proposal or any other thing related to the business.

"And I'm also here to remind you that you will be attending a meeting with our finance department to finalize the budgeting list for our CSR program next year. The department has sorted out all the essentials, including the entertainment expenses so they want to have your agreement before they proceed with all the official invitation letters" Akaashi placed down another binding file on the table, showing you another bulk of documents that you barely could process.

Getting and seeing all the upcoming projects you have to take over, they honestly gives you nothing but a headache. You could feel your head throbbing. These are just too much to take at once!

"You look stressed out" Akaashi chuckled and sat across your table. You glared up at him and rolled your eyes.

"How can I not? I've been here barely for a week but I have so many things to do! This is hard, Akaashi. I don't think I could do this. I don't even understand what should I do for all the meetings I have to attend. I still don't get all the events that Kou is going to organize. I don't understand most of the things here. I feel so stupid. I feel like I don't fit this position" you whined and rested your head on the table.

Hearing that, Akaashi snickered. Knew it. He said.

"You really remind me of Bokuto, y/n. He had the same reaction as you back then. All the whines, all the complaints... you both have the exact same thing" his words made you raise your head back up again and so you met his gaze.

"It's normal to be stressed out over work. Bokuto was like you. But then, once again to remind you that I'll be here guiding you. Worry not, y/n. You'll do well as long as I'm here. I know that these are just too much for you to take at once but you'll get them eventually, I promise" he straightened his back, arms both on the other side of your table.

"I'll help you go through all of these again, slowly this time, shall we?" he smiled.

"Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Fukurodani Empire" the receptionist greeted once Kuroo entered into the building. Though, it seemed odd to have him here without his men. What's more surprising was, he drove on his own.

"Is y/n here at her office?" he asked while unbuttoning his blazer's coat.

"Yes, sir. Madame is at her office" she bowed again. Kuroo hummed as a thank you and made his way up to where your office was located.

"Okay, so the nearest meeting that I'll be attending is this Friday, am I right?" Akaashi nodded.

"With our financial department?" again, Akaashi nodded.

"And it's about finalizing the budgeting list for our CSR program which going to happen next year?" you raised a brow, waiting for confirmation from Akaashi.

And he nodded again.

You let out a loud sigh and leaned back against your chair. Your shoulders dropped and you whined.

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