the tragedy.

338 15 6

tw : mention of gunshot and blood

"Kuroo, my man!" Bokuto grinned widely as he walked his way towards where Kuroo was seated. After busy days, they finally get to meet up for bonding between best friends and alias in-laws.

Bokuto claimed the empty seat across the table, making them seated eye to eye. His excited grin remained. Typical Bokuto Koutarou.

"It's been a while, broski" greeted Kuroo, shooting a smile. It has indeed been a while since the last time they met. Bokuto has been busy managing the Fukurodani Empire, meeting up with clients all around Japan, and even having to fly out.

Seeing the growth of FKE honestly made Kuroo proud of Bokuto's leadership skills. It's undeniable that Bokuto is a good leader who's loved by all the manpower of FKE. Maybe the downfall of FKE that led to his wedding with you gave him the real lesson. Bokuto became greedy when he had money with him which led him to misuse them for unnecessary things. And that's what led him to keep FKE out of their track financially.

He had repented. No more greediness. FKE was the only thing that had been left by his late father. After you, Bokuto is responsible for managing the company until you're ready enough to get involved in the business. That was the message that your father had told your brother.

"How's business?" Kuroo asked, intentionally to start a decent conversation with the owl-eyed man before he went deeper regarding to the topic.

"Doing good. I've been attending business meetings here and there. All in all, everything's under control. FKE is gaining more investors each day. That makes me excited to see FKE growing better and better" he expressed and Kuroo could see the honesty and sincerity from the way he worded them out, and his expressions.

Bokuto radiated sunshine energy. Someone who has the ability to change the mood from gloomy to all-colorful. Despite of his cold attitude, Bokuto had never complained nor did he ever leave his side since the first day they met. Bokuto's indeed Kuroo's one of through thick and thin friend and Kuroo personally cherished him along with those in the top management of Nekoma Corp.

"That's great. What's the plan?" he asked, interested in hearing about Bokuto's plan for the company.

A waiter came with the menus for these men. Orders were made for quite a while before they continued their conversation once the waiter left with their orders.

"Akaashi and I have been planning to organize a charity event for the orphanages. We've been working closely with our R&D regarding to the centres that we intended to help in terms of funding and sponsorship. We're targeting a few organizations so far. It's just, we're trying to get more panels as the investors and sponsor partners. Maybe, this could be the biggest charity event that FKE will ever hold" Bokuto crossed his leg under the table with his arms resting on the armrests.

Hearing that, Kuroo's heart dropped for a second. How come this man knew about those businesses he's been running yet not even for once Bokuto had been influenced by his evilness of him. Mentioning that, as far as Kuroo could remember, Bokuto had never tried to get involved so much in his illegal business. Yes, there were days when Bokuto showed him his interest in knowing about Gedeon, Celeste, and Lucifer, but it stayed there. He never crossed the line he's drawn.

She's really after her brother. It was what that passed his mind. The innocence and naivety of you came from Bokuto. It runs in the blood, Kuroo assumed. Talking to Bokuto really made him think of you for a few minutes.

It was the fifth day since the last time he talked to you and he was planning to end whatsoever war he was having with you. He wanted to make things up. He wanted to comfort you. He still remembered the blank stare you were giving a couple of days ago, where he came home to you skipping your sleep just because you decided to wait for his return.

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