the encounter.

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warning: cursing, offensive names, certain topics or words that might sounds sensitive to you

Ever since that night, you felt like your life had become more private. You were not allowed to leave the house alone. Of course, Kuroo paid his men as your personal bodyguards.

But weird. A month had passed. Everything seemed to go back to normal.

Maybe it was just a coincidence. Might as well they mistook you. Well, at least that's how it seems for you.

But for sure, it is not for Kuroo Tetsurou.

Time flew quick and it has already been a month since you carry his last name. Mrs. Kuroo, that's what people have been calling you.

You thought you could fly with him abroad, to enjoy a few days off for a little short getaway. A honeymoon. Too bad, checking his schedules, they are packed and booked with important meetings.

You love seeing the growth of Nekoma Corp. Projects are coming in non-stop, offering good pay. The marketing side, you meant. You have followed him meeting clients here and there, and passing him proposals for collaboration and services. And you knew how much Japan needs Nekoma Corp. in marketing.

For the sake of their economic growth. You can't deny, Nekoma Corp. is indeed a powerful company. That most brands and companies are eager to work with.

And it's all because of this leader named Kuroo Tetsurou.

You knocked on the door, pushing the doorknob as it slide open, seeing the man in the suit having his attention on his monitor screen on top of his work desk. You found yourself inside, closing back the door.

"Busy?" you asked, putting the new recently printed documents that you'd been carrying for the past minutes, intended to pass it to the big boss but then, it can wait for a while, you thought.

You stood next to him, watching him checking the new promotional video that's been done by the editing department, with your arms hanging on both of his shoulders. You bent your spine, matching to his level, just enough for your cheek to bump into his.

"Kinda. Is there anything else that I need to check?" he asked, sensing another responsibility coming to his door through your presence. You hummed, hand massaging his stiff shoulders. You knew he's been overworking himself, often skipped his meals, and always locking himself in his study.

"It can wait. You should rest, Kuroo. You're forcing yourself" you murmured in his ear, attempting to comfort him. "It's fine. I'll rest once we get all these done" he said, expecting that would come by him.

You heard how his fingers aggressively tapped the keyboard, responding to the edited video through his email. He approved it. You thought.

Not even considering the burden that has been hanging on his shoulders, his hand reached for the thin proposal on the side of his work desk, going through it without a word leaving from his lips.

Your eyes attached to the words contained in the proposal, reading it as well at the same time he was understanding himself with the objectives of it.

"Seems like they want you to promote their CSR campaign," you said, looking at his side profile. Kuroo hummed, nodding once before he closed the proposal and put it aside.

"You're going to reject their invitation?" you asked, wondering why he just set his attention aside from going further with the proposal. You heard him sighing, lips stretched, enough for you to see the little smile carved upon his lips with his head moving to the left and right a little.

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