the complications.

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tw : mention of issues that you might find sensitive


You clicked on the new email you just received from an unfamiliar email address. A business one, for sure. You took your time reading what was it all about, turned out that it was an official proposal with a completed proposal file attached from Genzla Inc.

You set your jaw, unhappy for an obvious reason. Though, you know it yourself that you need to be professional about it. You wasted no time and forwarded the email to Yaku for a further and detailed check-up.

A soft sigh slipped out of your lips. You leaned back against the leather surface, arms both on each side of the armrests.

"Just got your email" Yaku stood by the door of your office.

"Happy reading then" you scoffed, lips smirking.

Yaku entered your workspace, claiming the empty seat across your mahogany table. He crossed his leg with his back latched against the surface of the taken seat.

"That was fast of them. Must have their employee worked overnight then" his arms crossed. Yaku's lips stretched into a disbelief smirk. He somehow finds it funny how Genzla Inc. seemed to be really invested in the project.

Or, specifically said—

How Ayato Mai was so invested in it.

"It's not even shocking. You can see yourself how excited she was yesterday. Of course, she would make someone cry over a handy proposal" you rolled your eyes.

"Though..." you bit your lower lip, gaining the attention of the man in front of you.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Yaku.

"It's just fishy to me. Out of nowhere, she just appeared. It's like she has something under her sleeves and this so called-project is just an item, might as well be a path for her to come close to Kuroo. But you know, Kuroo's either oblivious or plainly dumb about it."

"Madame, we're still in his territory. I suggest you to play safe with your language" he replied with a soft chuckle.

"We are always and will always be in his territory, Yaku. You only live once, they said" you got up from your seat, picking up your journal with a pen.

"After all, this is the life we've signed up for ever since we made the decision to live around him. I suggest you to live your life to the fullest then" you scoffed once again, shrugging your shoulders along this time.

You left Yaku alone in his seat, making your way towards Kuroo's office. You gave his door a couple of knocks, hearing him giving the green light for you to come in.

"We've received the full proposal and official offer from Genzla Inc. and I've forwarded the email to Yaku for a further and detailed checkup. Not forgetting to mention that I have also cc-ed it to your business email, sir" you looked at the man who still had his eyes on his iMac's screen. Not even looking at your face from the moment you walked in.

"Noted" he replied. Short and concise. You heaved, almost quietly and turned your back as you made your way to the door. As you were about to excuse yourself from his office, Kuroo stopped you.

"I had no plan on accepting their offer" he said.

Your hand remained holding the cold steel of the doorknob, blankly gazing down on it while your mind tried to digest his words.

"I'm aware that you won't be happy if she works closely with me and I considered that for the sake of you" he continued. You heard him cocking up his head to look at you, who were still having your back against him.

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