the santorini.

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"Mind enlightening me with your sudden proposal?" Yaku barged into Kenma's personal office and Kau tailed him at the back.

The proposal earlier when they had a meeting with the Inarizaki. Kenma sat down on his black-leather rolling chair, tapping a random button on his keypad, making the iMac's screen flash on.

"It was a ridiculous offer of them. This isn't an agreement between kids" replied Kenma in a calm tone, same goes for his reaction.

"But I doubt Kuroo would be happy hearing it" argued Yaku. There was a little scrunch between his brows. Unhappy, if he could define the unsatisfying feeling he had.

Note that the meeting ended improperly. Left hanging and he would definitely get an earful once Kuroo landed back in Tokyo. A meeting without meeting a good end, where it's beneficial or straightly a dump on such proposal.

After all, Kuroo still wanted a report about what goes on. Sucks, he had to clean the shit Kenma had left.

"Look. It's not like I'm trying to make us gain anything from it. I was reflecting things" Kenma's fingers stopped midway, eyes up as he looked directly into Yaku's brownish pupils.

"Such as?"

"Yaku, it was obvious that they want something from us without giving us something beneficial for the company," said Kenma, frustrated. The man took a deep breath to calm himself. It was tiring to explain the things he saw during his observations.

Inarizaki was onto something. He could feel it.

"There was something about them and I could bet my whole meal that the shares are just not the thing they actually want from us. It might go beyond than what we could have thought of. Something is up, I could feel it" he said, further.

"Kenma, you're being paranoid" Kai tried to cut in. Kenma turned his gaze toward the taller man.

"I'm responsible for the company's finance and I wouldn't let anything cause shits to my job. Not a single thing" he said, fierce. Kai pressed his lips. Both Yaku and Kai knew it well that Kenma hates it when something came between his job.

"I know how to ensure Nekoma Corp. to be in a good state and I could sense any downfall. And to avoid that, I know what and how to prevent it" he put an end to his words before he had his eyes back on the screen.

"Now if you don't mind, I have some papers to check" it was a cue for Yaku and Kai to leave the room. Kai stared at the changes on Kenma's face. He looked tense and all worked up. He looked way different than the usual Kenma he knew.

Kenma heaved aloud, brushing a hand over his face once the men disappeared. He knew it well that he will be facing Kuroo once his honeymoon's over.



"Hey," you felt a touch at the side of your face. Soft and gentle, making you snuggle closer into the touch along with a soft hum.

A snicker slipped. Low and husky. Attractive.

"Wake up" hot breath touched your ear, tickling you in your sleep.

"Baby, wake up" he whispered again and left a kiss on top of your head.

You scrunched your brows before opening your eyes to see a shirtless Kuroo laying next to you with his elbow hanging supporting his weight. He was smiling down at your morning face.

Though your vision was still blurry, you caught the sweet smile on his lips. You leaned up to steal a peck as a morning kiss.

"Did you sleep well?" Kuroo wrapped an arm around you, scooting closer.

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