the rupture.

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No way. Impossible. It can't be.

You ran through the hallway, searching for Akaashi. You've arrived at the hospital where Bokuto was wheeled to. You knew, it was a big no to run within the hospital's compound but you couldn't care less.

Your head moved around to catch a sight of Akaashi but he's nowhere to be found.

"Y/N" you heard his voice and so, you quickly turned. You ran to his way, ignoring the tears that didn't seem to stop anytime soon.

"Where's Kou, Akaashi?" you cried and held his hands tightly.

Akaashi's eyes were red, and so does his nose. You could tell that he was bawling his eyes out upon the news that he himself had received.

"He's... he's..." Akaashi stuttered and you peeped at the familiar figure standing behind him. His shirt was stained with blood, the same goes for his hands.

Kuroo doesn't even bother to clean himself up. You walked towards him.

"Where's Kou, Kuroo?" you asked, trying to hold yourself from going feral. Even though you knew it damn well that you might as well cause a scene in any second.

"What happened..." you choked on your tears, clutching your chest that felt like it was so close to exploding.

"We... we had lunch and someone shot him" Kuroo avoided your eye contact. Guilt. He doesn't even dare to meet your gaze.

"Then where is he now?!" you yelled. Akaashi got you from behind. He held you by your shoulders, massaging them gently as a sign of comfort.

"Y/N, calm down. We're at the hospital" said Akaashi, reminding you as he saw people were looking at you.

"Then tell me that he's safe!" your voice echoed and you cried harder.

Not Kou. Not when he's the only family member left. After Mom and Dad, there's no way I would lose Kou.

Kuroo bowed his head, hiding his face.

"He died before they could even save him" said Kuroo, making your knees tremble. You almost fell on your knees, luckily Akaashi got you.

He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight while you sobbed hard in his embrace. No. You shook your head in denial. Kou's not dying. Your mind screamed.

This is just a lie!

Akaashi rubbed your back, not caring about the tears he's been shedding. Losing Bokuto was like losing his other half, his own brother. Bokuto has been looking after him for years, ever since his mom passed away due to breast cancer. Bokuto was the one who stayed and never left. That is why this news hit him like the sharpest knife.

The sky was gloomy. The sun seemed to be hidden somewhere behind the clouds and it was windy. People who attended Bokuto's funeral in all black. Most of them came to you to send you condolences for your loss, same goes for Kuroo who has been standing next to you.

"I'm sorry for your loss" Ushijima came to Kuroo and they exchanged handshakes. Kuroo nodded his head, statued in his posture with a hand slipped in his pocket and putting a calm face. Which honestly, it pissed you off. He looked unaffected by what happened. Why does he act like Bokuto's death didn't mean something?

"Sending all my condolences to the both of you" the latter added before he left with his men who had been tailing him since the minutes he arrived at the funeral.

Your eyes were puffy. You couldn't sleep last night and were crying your eyes out. Truthfully, you were still in denial. This doesn't feel real to you. A part of you wished for a miracle. You were hoping that this was all just a prank but you realized that it was not when your eyes witnessed your own brother getting buried.

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