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As Parvati stepped out of her room, the clatter of breakfast at the dining table came to a sudden halt. Gaurav and Vinita's faces creased with frowns, their eyes narrowing upon seeing her.

"Kundan, could you please gather my bags from my room and place them in the car?" Parvati requested, her voice steady but soft, directed at the attentive house servant.

Kundan nodded, moving to fulfill her request, while curious glances shot towards Parvati. "Are you leaving somewhere, Parvati bhabhi?"  Chhaya inquired, her tone laced with surprise.

"Yes, I've decided to stay at my mother's home until the baby is born," Parvati replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Why?" Vinita questioned sharply. "Is our home not good enough, or do you think we can not take care of you?"

Parvati's response was a silence filled with uncertainty, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"You are my son's widow, it is our duty to take care of you now that he is no longer with us. You are staying here with us,” Vinita declared firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Chhaya rose to Parvati's defense. "Maa, Shilpa bhabhi returned to her mayka (parents' home) during her pregnancy. Why can't Parvati bhabhi do the same?"

Shilpa, annoyed at getting her involved in the conversation, explained, "the circumstances were different back then. I had Sonu through IVF and needed to be extra cautious to avoid any risks. Pallavi stayed here during her pregnancy and had a healthy baby without any issues." 

"Pregnancy is a delicate time, regardless of the situation, Shilpa bhabhi," Chhaya countered. "Every expectant mother wishes to ensure the well-being of her child."

Kamal and Pallavi exchanged glances, silently appreciating Chhaya's support for Parvati, though they suspected it was motivated by Suyash's earlier threats.

"Shilpa bhabhi, during Pallavi's time Parvati bhabhi used to take good care of her. Now, with you busy with Sonu and Pallavi occupied with Saahil, Parvati bhabhi will be left alone, who will be there for her,” Kamal reasoned.

Dining area buzzed with the tension of the ongoing argument, and Parvati stood amidst it all, feeling a pang of guilt for stirring unrest in her family. Meanwhile, Gaurav was clearly frustrated as his peaceful morning was disrupted by Parvati. He believed Parvati's presence had become a source of constant disruption, disturbing the family's harmony. He thought it might be best for his family if Parvati stayed away to prevent any further problems. 

"Kamal, Chhaya, will you two keep quiet?!” Gaurav said, commanding silence. All eyes turned to him. "Maa, perhaps it's best if Parvati stays with her mother. We don't need any more threats from her lover," he concluded.

"Gaurav bhaiya, enough is enough!" She exclaimed. "Mr. Mehra is nothing more than a friend to me!"  She felt a storm of emotions swirling inside her—hurt, anger, and humiliation. Her family's constant doubts and harsh words had cut her deeply, and she could bear it no longer.

"I can't handle this anymore," Parvati said, her voice rising with each word. "Day after day, you all question my every action, doubt my character. I'm tired of it! I'm tired of justifying my friendship with Mr. Mehra."

Parvati's outburst shocked everyone. With a heavy heart, she continued, "I thought this was my home, but a home is where you find trust and love. Here, I've found neither."

Vinita, enraged by the accusation, stood up abruptly. "How dare you question our love for you?" She retorted. "We trusted you, even when you bore his child, even when you insisted he would fulfill a father's role. But the moment he threatened us within our own home shattered any illusion of your innocence!"

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