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Jekyll and Hyde has a chokehold on me 💔

Suicidal thoughts
Torture in the form of mockery and words.
Heavy emotions.
Attempted suicide.
Again, actual suicide.




Confrontation - Anthony Warlow - Jekyll and Hyde : Gothic Musical Thriller.


Dragging his feet, Quackity walked around the small cell he was confined in, glancing at where he'd desperately scratched at the walls, or clawed at the bars that encased him, as if he were a bird on display.

Well, I suppose you could say he was.

“ .. It's over now, I know inside... ”

He whispered, his voice dripping with sorrowful frustration.

Each step caused an echo to bounce off the wall behind him and into the empty room beyond his confines.

“ .. No one will ever know.. ”

Quackity paused his strolling to sit down, cross-legged as he watched the shadows of his prison bend and straighten to the light's wishes.

“ The sorry tale of.. Alexis ElQuackity.., ”

He almost sang his words, as if it would bring light to the situation he desperately wanted to leave. He missed his friends.
He missed his husband.
And he missed the eggs that, yes, in the early days he had attempted to kill, so much.

His hands lifted up to his face, pulling down on his skin as he became more and more frustrated.

“ And those who died.. ”

Quackity grinned, but it wasn't a surpressal of a smile, oh no, not even he could smile in this dreadful situation. It was more of a pathetic attempt to feel better.

It's not as if it worked, I did just say it was pathetic, did I not?

“ No one must ever know.. ”

His face upturned to the tall roof, as if looking for guidance. Guidance that he didn't have, didn't deserve, nor guidance that he wanted.

His eyes began to water, but he blinked away the tears in fear of showing weakness.

“ They'd only see the tradegy.. ”

His hands trailed down to his neck, gripping softly, slightly cutting off his air. If he died this way, So be it.

“ They'd not see my intent.. ”

Tears soon made their trails down his flushed cheeks, dripping onto his hands that with every passing second were tightening ever so slightly.

Again, If he died like this, so be it. He refused to die to his hands.

Crying, He spoke once again.

“ The shadow of ElQuackity's evil.. ”

He whispered his words, as if a curse would be stricken upon him if he so dare to raise his voice.

“ Would forever kill the good, that I admit... ”

Tightening his grip.

Tears dripping down his now wet cheeks.

His eyes full of fear.

He spoke again.

“ Am I... a Good man..? ”

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