{ WILBUR ! ! }

632 19 32


haven't posted a long oneshot for a hot minute

and that minute continues.

But I'll give you a filler :)

but I don't feel fluffy rn I feel angsty.


anyways let's go

• angst
• sad
• cry cry aw loser
• actually crying
• woohoo
• fine I'll give you some fluff.
• kissing
• cuddling.

and no this isn't gonna go about the lore, it's gonna go from somebody got attacked and he didn't survive or some shit

Pitter patter pitter patter.

The rain sounded almost.. soothing.

But in the same way it was eerie.

And Wilbur hated it.

His Rose-tinted glasses were perched on his nose as he watched the tears of the clouds hit the window as if they were nothing but waste.

Waste, not emotion. Just weakness.

That's what emotion was. Weakness.
Something to slow you down, to stop you doing things and becoming successful.


How does somebody really become successful?

It was a question that Wilbur often pondered about.

Often wondered about how successful the owner of Las Nevadas had become on his own.


That's who he was thinking about.

And he couldn't deny it now that the truth had entered his mind and worked it's way into the realisation section of his messed up brain.

And now here he was.

Sprinting through the forest, as if he had some sort of instinct that somebody he loved was hurt, potentially dead.

“Hello..?" The tall man called out as his trenchcoat swirled around him.

A bloodcurdling scream erupted from within a circle of trees and bushes.

Wilbur immediately bolted towards the scream, pushing his way through the foliage and getting caught multiple times on vines and random plants.

There, laid down on the grass in a puddle of his own blood, was the one and only

Quackity from Las Nevadas.

Curled up, his clothes soaked through with the crimson liquid.
His hair was matted with blood, and his face was striped with scarlet lines.

Before the taller man could stop himself, he ran over to him and dropped to his knees, reaching out with a shaky hand and placing it on Quackity's neck, feeling for a pulse.

It was weak.

Wilbur's heart dropped, quickly scanning over the shorter man's body to try and find the wound that was causing him to bleed out so much.

And then he found it.

It was on his back.

And it wasn't just shallow and large, it was deep.

And it was huge, stretching from his shoulder down to his abdomen.

Wilbur's heart faltered for a second, before resuming a quickened pace.

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