• Ghostie •

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no motivation

• ghostbur
• based off 'just take my wallet' by Jack stauber
• me being sad and absolutely no motivation
• idk anymore man

im sorry if this is bad
i have been really sad and just exhausted recently.
it's been difficult without Wilbur.
and I know it sounds stupid, but he stopped me from killing myself in 2020, and he means so fucking much to me and it hurts to not have those streams to go and find comfort.



“Your lovers crying..” Quackity sang softly as he prodded the ground with a stick. “Dododododododo...”

He repeated the verse.

“Lovers lying...” He admitted. “What am I trying to do..” The short man Whispered to whatever lay before him.

He got up slowly, his small, golden wings bouncing as he stood. His head hung low as he walked.
The man's raven hair was messy, his beanie almost falling off.

“Dodododododo...” He whispered.

You could hear his heart break into pieces by the second. Each shard of his heart breaks into another, and that breaks into another again.

“What's the softest way to say..” The duck asked nobody in particular.
“You took away my friend.. my buddy..” A small whisper spoke.
Quackity looked over to a tree, where quiet sniffles could be heard.

“Ghostbur..?” He asked.
“Quackity..” Ghostbur responded.
They stared at each other before ghostbur got down from the tree branch he was perched on, and sat down against the tree, motioning for the two to sit together.

As the duck sat, the clouds began to cry.

They began to cry tears of memories, tears of pain. Tears of future suffering.

Tears that Quackity oh so wanted to let fall.

“What's the kindest way to say..” Ghostbur began to sing.
“You took away my friend... My lover.” Quackity added onto the end.
Ghostbur laid his head onto Quackity's shoulder as they were slowly drenched in solemn, painful memories.

“Why are you out here.. big Q?” The cold ghost asked.

“Paying my tributes to my Lover's grave...” The shorter gave his answer.

They sat in silence, the only noise that could be heard was the tapping of the rain against their bodies and the ground.

“I miss friend.” Ghostbur sniffled. His eyes had started watering again, and despite the black voids they were, bright blue tears occupied their bottom lid.

“I know.” Quackity sympathised.
“I always hugged friend when I felt sad. And now I can't do that. I don't have anything to bring me comfort.. I lost my blue and I don't know what to do..” Ghostbur cried, along with his cries there were quiet sizzling noises and small fumes.

Quackity's head pounded, a large headache disturbing his thoughts.

The two fell asleep, soaked to the skin from the rain.

°|~•- ★ -•~|°

hope you enjoyed.

I'm sorry if I've forgotten anything.


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