• You hurt yourself , Didn't you?•

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Listen to the Full EP it's really good <3

Idk what this is inspired by I just wanted Wilbur to get hurt, pass out and get cared for by Q idk idk.

Tell me if somebody has done the same if not similar!




'Fuck off Wil'

'Dont be like that Q...'

'Ill be like that 'WiLbUr' '

'Awh :( You're no fun.'

'Too bad, Bitch.'


Wilbur gave up, walked away and went back to the van, until He didnt.

ו Thump •×

Quackity turned around to see Wilbur on the floor, face buried in some dark brown mud.

'Oh my XD. Wilbur Soot, You're not gaining my Sympathy by burying your head in some mud. You're probably losing it to be fair.'

No response.

'Wilbur, Get up.'

Again, No response.

'Wil?' Quackity squeaked. He walked over only to realise the mud was... Slightly... Crimson? And Wilbur's Glasses were on the grass just in front of him, slightly dirty with a thin crack running across one of the lenses. Another larger crack through the other.

He flipped Wilbur over to see that his nose was bleeding and he had a few large cuts on his face. Of course he landed on a fucking ROCK.

'Your lucky that rock wasn't sharp, Fucking hell man..'

Quackity picked Wilbur up, and headed to his Burger Van since it was only a couple minutes walk.

The short man opened the door, it was unlocked, (dumbass) and placed his shitty rival onto his mattress, running to the bathroom to get a first-aid kit for him.
He used a bandaid for each of his cuts after he cleaned them, and cleaned his nose after  it stopped bleeding since he had no idea what to do while it was bleeding.


sorry this is short as hell, I just have no motivation for this one and i just don't like it at all.


{ 317 words}

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