+ How do I say no..? +

694 12 16

• I
• need
• something
• good
• to
• happen.

deal with whatever Is written.
I'm too exhausted for this.


"I.." Quackity stuttered.
Wilbur had gone missing. And he knew it was just a matter of time before he too was gone from the face of earth.
“Just take me already. How can I say no to death when life is edging me on?” He spoke.
“I have nothing to live for without Wilbur.”

And so a rough hand clamped over his mouth and injected a needle Into his neck.
He became drowsy.
The short male fell to his knees, and before he could fall onto his face, he was caught and placed in the back seat of a car.

He awoke.

It was pitch black, but he could hear sniffling beside him, around 10 feet away.

“Hello.. Are you ok..?” He asked with little to no energy.
“Q-Quackity?” The voice asked, he could now recognise it as the one who he had no reason to live without.
“Wilbur?” He answered quickly.

“Oh Quackity.. Why are you here!? they were only supposed to take me..” He sniffled.
“I told them to. I have no reason to live without you.” He spoke.

Names were no longer relevant to the two. They were going to die anyways, so why not abandon names, hm?

The shorter man hung his head low.
The taller did the same.

They were nothing but two humans on this large planet who had been chosen.
Nothing but a copy of the next person.

They were both but the same.

The younger male had gone through so much trauma. Countless times he wanted to die.

The older male had faced trauma too. His own father stabbed him to death once.

Two men entered the room.

They handed the tied up males earphones, before taking the back and putting one in each ear, and sending a message.

Both of you will die. But, we know how much you two love each other, so we will spare you the agony of hearing your lover's screams.”

The younger had Thick, glossy tears falling down his cheeks. He spoke aloud his song request, and it began to play.

The older had thick tears pouring. He spoke aloud his song request also, and it also began to play.

The songs mixed together above them.

Nothing but music could be heard.

Coincidentally, the same song had been chosen.

“I don't deserve you. You deserve the world.”

Was the last thing the two of them heard, before two gunshots echoed throughout the cold, stone room.

Crimson poured down faces, staining clothes in its path. Tears mixed with scarlet, as the still empty life drained out of the two.

They had so much ahead of them.

And it was all taken away by their complete stupidity.

And now what would Charlie think?

What would Tommy think?

Not only had they taken away lives, but they had ruined young, prosperous lives.



it's what I want to do anyways.

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