★ What? ★

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Hello! This is a celebration for my book reaching over 2K reads!! Tysm!!!

I saw it and actually started crying, I know it's not much compared to how much people usually get, but it really means so much <33

Anyways! Onto the Content Warnings!

• Angst (sorrryyyyy)
• Swearing
• Crying
• Quackbur (of fucking course 🙄)
• uh gay

Let's go!!


Quackity walked into the Living room, and sat down on the Couch.
It was a soft couch with a white fur blanket draped across one side, soft pillows placed in spots near the armrests.
Quackity practically sank into the comfy seat, his feet tips just brushing the floor. (Short mf)

He sat there for about 5 minutes, before he got up and headed to the kitchen to make himself a smoothie.

He wasn't thirsty.
Quackity simply just wanted a distraction from his flashbacks that had been getting more regular.

•Time Skip to when Wilbur got home•

“Quackity? Where are you?” He asked , though only a quick and quiet ‘Here’ responded. But, it was enough.

Wilbur smiled, his face automatically brightening when he saw the duck who was sat on the Kitchen Counter, drinking a slightly yellow smoothie.

“Quackity! My Darling!” Wilbur spoke, his smile somehow widening when he went over and hugged the Duck.

He did, however, notice that Quackity slightly flinched when Wilbur's cold hands touched his skin. But, Wilbur just brushed it off, thinking he just was not expecting the cold.

“Hi.” Quackity muttered to the Taller, snapping out of a seemingly captivating trance.
“Are you.. Alright?”
“What? O-oh! Yeah.. I'm fine.”
“...You don't seem fine.”
“Well..,” He paused, “.. I'm fine. Just.. Just stop asking questions, You're being clingy.”
When Quackity said that, It felt as if Wilbur had been punched in the Gut.
“I-im.. Clingy.. ?”
“Yeah. Now leave me alone. I'm fine, really..”
And with that, Wilbur left and sat on their bed upstairs.

He spoke to himself. He told himself it wasn't him and that Quackity was probably just in a bad mood.


How desperately he hoped it was just that, though.

• Time skip to Quackity and Wilbur Heading to bed •

“Quackity, Did.. Did I do something?”
“Did you do something? What? No..! Of course not!”
“But... But, you seem.. angry with me..”
“I-im just having a bad day..” The duck tried to say confidently, pretty sure he had convinced Wilbur. In fact, he was very sure.
But, he's clearly oblivious to things,
so he didn't notice Wilbur was looking at him funny.

Wilbur started to gently massage Quackity's Golden, shimmery wings that he loved, oh so much, when he was pushed back by the owner of the beautiful wings.

“G-get off me!”
“Dont.. Don't do that.”
Wilbur tried to say, but stopped when tears started to appear in his eyes, threatening to fall.

“Y-you.. you never had a problem with it before..”

Wilbur spoke quietly, silent tears falling as the shorter looked behind him, noticing the pain in Wilbur's voice.

“W-wil.. Are you.. Are you crying?”
“N-no.. sniffle
“Why.. Why are you crying..?”
“Because you've been nothing but cold to me! I've tried to be nice and gentle, but you've only pushed me away, flinched when I hugged you, and now you're telling me you don't want me to do the thing that Always calms both me and you down!”

“A-and... I just want to know if it was me... Because I can sleep somewhere else tonight and for however long you would like, if you really want me too..”
Quackity looked horrified.
“No! Please! Don't go, please don't just leave me here!”
“Woah- Woah, calm down! I said only if you wanted me too, I can stay!!”
Wilbur wouldn't admit it, but this relieved him massively.
“Shh~ It's ok..”

“Do you wanna tell me about it?”
And so, without a second thought, Quackity told him what was wrong.

“I keep.. I keep having flashbacks from when I was with Schlatt.. How he absolutely hated my Wings and would force me to bind them to my back, crushing them and hurting me greatly.. and- whenever he would touch them.. he would do it gently.. but then he would break them.. that's why the first time you saw my Wings, they were in desperate need for care, and preening..”

“I will never, Ever be like him.”
Wilbur said, wiping the last tear from his eye before it fell.

“I love you, so so so so so sooo much. I could never hurt such a beautiful, fragile work of art like you, Alex Quackity.”
Wilbur spoke, Reassuring Quackity that he was with somebody who loved him, not for his body, but for him.

“Im.. I'm so fucking glad that I have you..”

“Im so glad I have you....My Duckling..”

Since Quackity had been reassured he would never be hurt by Wilbur unless requested for some sort of Kinky shit, he allowed Wilbur to play with and preen his golden wings, before he laid back, folded in his wings, and fell asleep in Wilbur's large arms.

And so, that night, Quackity fell asleep in Wilbur's arms, and Wilbur fell asleep laid down, with Quackity in his arms.

So fucking cute it makes me sick.




ILY SO MUCH!! <3333

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