|• Uh.. Thanks? •|(PT. 2 of 'First time we Spoke')

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•___Quackity's PoV____•

'Sapnap! let go!' Quackity Screeched and whined at him as him and Karl were dragged up a hill and onto a daisy field where Sapnap dumped Quackity and Placed Karl.

'Sapnap what the actual FUCK!?' Quackity questioned angrily.
'He was tall, intimi- I mean, ugly and just overall weird,' Sapnap Said, 'So, I helped you escape him!'
'Sapnap I didn't want to leave! Wilbur is nice!' Quackity reasoned, although he didn't entirely know why.
'Do I care?' (💅) Sapnap asked sarcastically.
At this point, Quackity had reached his limit with Sapnap and just straight up slapped him, Hard.

'You're a Bitch Sapnap.' Quackity said, venom lacing his words.
'And do you know what? I'm glad we broke up. You and Karl are better together anyways. I'm done. I'm DONE! Now, I'm going back and getting Wilbur's Number.'
Quackity strolled away while flipping Sapnap off, Not Karl, simply because Karl really hadn't done anything , proud of himself.

'Wilbur? Wilburrrr!' Quackity searched for Wilbur. He lost hope pretty quick and thought Wilbur had just left. Which, yes, he did, but he came back because he was in a café just over the road and spotted Quackity looking for something or somebody.

•____Wilbur's PoV____•

'Boo!' Wilbur Scared Quackity and He literally jumped a mile in the air.
'AH-' Quackity screamed as he subconsciously punches Wilbur in the stomach.
'OH WILBUR! IM SORRY-' Quackity apologized. He didn't seem very sincere considering the fact he was almost crying he was laughing so hard.
'Ouchhhhh....' Wilbur whined in pain.
Eventually Wilbur was bent over laughing and by this time Quackity was already on the floor fighting for his life as he laughed.

'o-hah-h.. t-that was h-hah-ilarious' Wilbur said through giggles.
'I- haha, Agree..' Quackity replied, also struggling to contain the laughter.

eventually they calmed down, even if it did take about an hour or so.

'Anyways, I wanted to see if I could get your number? You seem like a really nice person!' (uh huh. Definitely didn't blow up a nation 🤭💅) Quackity excitedly said.
'Sure! It's *************' Wilbur Jotted it down quickly on a small, ripped piece of paper he had in his trenchcoat pocket with a clean ball-point pen.
'Uh.. Thanks?' Quackity said, Realising he had just got a pretty cute guy's number.
Quackity blushed slightly, which Wilbur noticed, and also blushed lightly.
'Uhm ... Well, bye?' Wilbur said sheepishly.
'y-yeah.. see ya tomorrow?' Quackity replied.
'sure!' Wilbur responded, nervousness completely eradicated.
And Wilbur walked away. He didn't see where Quackity went, but he couldn't really care, he just got his number! He just got a really cute guy's number!!!

- 2 Hours later -

Happy as ever, Wilbur entered his room and perched on the side of his bed and watched Tiktoks to relax.


Apparently, Wilbur had Fallen asleep in his endless scrolling and his phone had landed on his chest, which had woken him up due to a couple buzzes he felt on his torso.

'eh..?' Wilbur said in a slightly deep voice, just waking up from a short nap.
He shielded his eyes from the bright white of his phone screen while he tapped the notification.

' Message from ***********'

'Unknown Number?' Wilbur asked himself, slightly confused on how somebody got his number.

' Messaging 'Unknown Number' '

HEY! It's me! Quackity from the park!

Oh! Hey! Let me just save you
real quick!


Ok! Your saved!

*Unknown Number -> ⭐ Ducky :] ⭐*

Anyways, We on for tomorrow?

Yeah! Sure!

Ok! Also, I'm sorry for Sapnap,
He was all like, 'oh but he's so
Tall and intimidating ' and all
That shit, so I'm sorry for that

No, no, it's ok! :]

So Wilbur, should we make
Eachother like, nicknames
Or something? Most of my
old friends did that!

Well, I mean if you want too?

Yay! Okay, so what
Nicknames do you usually

Uhh... maybe Wil? Wilby? Idk,
Whatever sounds good to you.
What about nicknames for you?

Well, Quackity is already
A nickname technically,
But I don't really mind.

Then I'm calling you either
Quacks, Ducky, Duck Fuck,
Quackers or Duck. :]

Then I'm calling you
Wilbitch. Or wil,
Or wilby, or wiblur.


fuck you too <3


And that's how their friendship started.

•___Quackity's PoV____•

He lay on his bed, smiling so wide his cheek muscles hurt, and was crossing his legs in happiness.
'¡Alex! ¡Ven aquí! (Alex! Come here!)' Quackity's mom shouted.
'Vale, mamá' Quackity shouted back.

He went downstairs to eat his dinner and left back upstairs, telling his mom he was gonna go to sleep since it was really late. (Don't ask why he ate so late)

'Oh, I cannot wait to see Wilby tomorrow!!!!! Wait... I have butterflies in my stomach... AH-' Quackity turned over and screamed into his pillow, unable to believe he has a crush. Already. After the first day!

~ Hope you enjoyed! Requests for what they should do tomorrow? Maybe? Anyways, I will try and get atleast 2 chapters out on weekends and maybe 1 every 2-3 days on week days!~

|• Word count: 867 •|

Bye bye!

•| Oneshots :) |• TNTDUO •|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora