|• The First time we Spoke. •|

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~ Hi, Author here, I don't expect this to be good as I am not in the slightest an experienced writer, nor do I know all of  the lore.
So, if you'd be so kind, be patient with me.~

•___ Quackity's PoV ____•


Yawn. His alarm was absolutely BLASTING in His ear god damnit.
'Shut the FUCK up!' Quackity screamed as he threw the annoying piece of technology across the room, just for it to land in a pile of clothes and continue to ring at Quackity.

'¡Alex! ¡Es el desayuno ! (Alex! It's breakfast!)' Quackity's Mom Shouted up the stairs to Quackity.
'¡Ya viene mamá! (Coming Mom!) ' Quackity shouted back.

He got dressed. Except it was painstakingly slow due to the fact he had woken up literally 5 minutes ago. And before you ask, his mom knew he was up due to the ringing of his alarm. Which he had still forgot to turn off. And he wasn't going too. He was gonna break it instead!

Quackity's Mom Shouted again.
He rolled his eyes, finally got dressed and stalked down the stairs just to find his mom sat at the table, glaring at him.

'Lo siento mama.' he apologized under his breath.
Quackity ate his breakfast, had a quick shower and headed out for the day. (no, Wilbur and Quackity have not met yet. They will 🤭)
He planned originally to go to a café near him but decided instead to head over to a park and chill there with Sapnap and Karl.
Sapnap and Karl were his friends. Not close. But friends. They are both dating, and we did try a poly relationship but it didn't work out as Quackity would just end up being left out of things so they decided to just break up and Karl and Sapnap to stay together. Yes, this broke Quackity's heart, but what could he do? He still loved them slightly, so the best thing he could do was just be friends.
Unfortunately, they still leave him out of a couple things.

•____Wilbur Soot's PoV____•

Wilbur was just scrolling through his phone, sat on a small bench in a random park he had literally never even seen.
He was wearing a yellow sweater with a brown-ish Trenchcoat. Honestly it was more black than brown. Anyways, he had a white streak in his dirty brown hair ,god knows where the white came from because the little bitch never actually admitted where it came from, and he wore absolutely amazing and thicc platform boots in black. Honestly, he looked good. Like Good. He thought himself that he was pretty unremarkable. Not really noticeable. Not very cute. Or hot.
(boy is he wrong according to duck fuck 🤭)

He was looking around, extremely bored of the dry-ass tiktoks he was getting and noticed the duck hybrid sat on a bench while two men sat talking on another bench. NGL, he thought the duck was pretty cute.
(Key: pretty cute = hot as fuck)

The duck wore a dark blue LAFD beanie with a black button-up shirt and black pants. (I will keep switching between British and American because I can)
He had a weird bulge on his back which Wilbur Suspected was where his wings were, although he wasn't so Sure it was healthy they were like that if they were his wings.
He also noticed that he had cute little fluffy duck ears! They looked sorta like sheep ears , but shorter and yellow.
Wilbur was resisting the urge to go up and introduce himself before he noticed that the duck (OMFG THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I HAVE TYPED FUCK INSTEAD OD DUCK LIKE OML) was stood in front of him, silently tapping his foot on the ground, seemingly waiting for something.

'Uhh, Hi?' Wilbur muttered, his cheeks turning a light, dusty red.
'Why were you staring at me?' The duck questioned
'i- I was staring at you? And you Noticed!?' Wilbur almost shouted, making the duck jump.
'Uh, Yeah, you were.' The duck answered.

•____Quackity's PoV_____•

Quackity walked over to this weird trenchcoat guy because he was staring at him and he was slightly confused.
The tall as fuck guy said hi and he asked why he was staring at him, which seemed to shock the tall dude. He was almost shouting and this took quackity by surprise.

'Uh, Yeah, you were.' Quackity answered.
'Im- I'm sorry, I just thought you looked... Uhh.. nice?' Tall guy responded.
Quackity blushed slightly, not entirely used to getting compliments.
't-thanks..' Quackity muttered, looking away.
By now, both men were embarrassed and blushing slightly, if not more.

'I- sorry, By the way, the Name is Wilbur. Wilbur Soot!' Tall- I mean Wilbur said.
'My name is.. Quackity.' He said back.
'Quackity? That's an odd name.' Wilbur said, clearly confused.
'Well, it's not my real name, it's my preferred name. My real name is Alex, but, if you call me that, I will punch you.' Quackity said.
'Oh jesus Christ, ok.' Wilbur said, standing up to his full height.
'HOLY SHIT YOUR TALL AS FUCK!' Quackity gasped.
'and your Short as fuck.' Wilbur responded , amused by Quackity's reaction to his height.
Quackity flipped him off and Wilbur returned the gesture.

•___Sapnap's PoV___•

'Karl, who the hell is Quackity talking to?'
Sapnap Asked Karl, his boyfriend.
'Oh Shit, who the fuck is that?' Karl responded, equally concerned.
They stalked over to them and stood behind quackity, glaring at Tall fuck.
'Uhh, Quackity, who are these people?' Tall fuck asked, obviously nervous at the glares he was receiving.
'Oh. This is Sapnap and Karl. Sapnap and Karl, this is Wilbur.' Quackity introduced.
'And can you explain to me why they are giving me death glares?' Wilbur said.
The glares were quickly paused as Quackity turned around, and just as quickly returned, except this time Wilbur was glaring back. Sapnap and Karl stopped glaring completely due to the fact Wilbur was slightly taller, and also, extremely intimidating.

At that moment, Sapnap was bored of Wilbur and decided to simply grab his boyfriend and Quackity and make a run for it, flipping Wilbur off as he ran.

•___Wilbur's PoV___•

'What a bitch.'
Wilbur spoke under his breath.
And he just strolled out of the park.

• Hiii so that was really fun to make and I enjoyed it! Hope you did too! <3 •
•| Words: 1081 |•

Bye bye!

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