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Idk I just like that song 👍
And it's also like 'dream' on so like yh


No, this prob won't go with the lore, but it's a fanfic anyways so it's cool

• Threatening.
• Having to make a decision but not wanting to.
• Weapons.
• Blood.
• Angst?
• naughty dream 😡
• naughty George 😡 (partners in crime 😍)
• doing things against their will.
• Crying
• Being in shock
• Trespassing.
• Awesome doctor Niki coming to the rescue with amazing nurse Eret! (Next part)
• Maybe more, tell me if so! <3
• Niki and Eret helping

In this , btw, it's Sam+ponk they are his dads 👍
Let's go ml <3


“Quackity. He isn't going to stop until he finds and kills you.”
Sam spoke in a low tone, looking at him with serious yet sad eyes.
“..I know...” Quackity knew this would happen, he just never wanted to admit it.
“You need to protect yourself.” Sam spoke, his eyes staring straight into his son's, his void like eyes swallowing Quackity's dark brown eye and white eye.
“I.. I.. have Wilbur. I know I can't.. I can't push my problems onto him.. but.. I know he will understand and.. maybe he'll help.” Quackity said, standing up straight, his dusty, golden wings folding up behind him as his raven locks fell across his face, framing it perfectly.
“I don't want to lose you. Ok? Don't make me.”
Sam replied truthfully. He wouldn't be able to handle losing his son.
“You won't. If he finds me, I'll fight until my very last breath.
Quackity spoke, his tone truthful and serious.
“I.. I know you would.”
Sam said gratefully. He gave Quackity one last hug. It was tight. Loving. It made Quackity feel safe. Cared for.

“I love you, Dad.”
Quackity said, locking eyes with Sam.
“I love you too, Son.”

They smiled at each other, a look of sadness filled their eyes, but they both knew they were both grateful.

And so quickly, Quackity ran to his and Wilbur's house.
His rapid footsteps the only sound to echo through his city.
It was weird. Usually, Las Nevadas would be bustling. Even at 2am. But.. it wasn't.. It was silent.. the lights were switched off, leaving a dark and gloomy shadow looming into each and every corner.


Quackity stumbled to the ground. His knees hit the concrete with a rather loud and disturbing bang.
He yelped out in pain, reaching a hand onto his neck to pull away and reveal a rich scarlet red liquid coating his fingertip.
He glanced behind him before stumbling to his feet, ignoring the upsettingly aching pain coursing through his injured legs.

He was in danger and he knew it.

Quackity ran with all his might, occasionally stumbling or tripping, once falling back down into his hands and knees as an arrow once again passed by, only just missing his ear.
He panted heavily, his breath shortening with each step he took.
Quackity called out, his voice shaking as he ran from the dangerous creature behind him.

Eventually , after what felt like hours of running, Quackity arrived at his and Wilbur's house. He struggled with his keys for a little while before getting the key into the keyhole and pretty much falling into the house as he frantically opened the door.
Quackity slammed the door behind him, locked it, and sat against it, panting heavily as he slid down and sat.
He pulled his knees to his stomach and buried his head in between them.

It was then, just as Wilbur came down from their room to see what the door slamming and locking was, was when Quackity felt a sharp pain strike his back.
He leaned forward, revealing an arrow that had been shot through the door, and had landed half way through and half of the arrow head had protruded through his back, creating a steady stream of crimson blood.

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