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(A/n i am so sorry for another one but last month has been hard as i have been in hospital and all that jazz but i know i have posted a lot on my Rhea daughter one shots i am trying to update stories but this month amd next will be hard for me so thank you all for reading i appreciate it so much and your lovely comments i love them all xx)

The paramedics take Dominik into the van another checking on everyone as Rhea holds a sobbing Aria "its okay baby papas okay" nothing seemed to calm her tears as she held on to Rhea. The ambulance people gave them a ride as everyone will need a check over some more than others.

The ride was noisy full of Arias tears when Damian crouched in front of her "oye oye mi mariposa." Aria looked at Damian as he talked to her in Spanish "papá estará bien, él no querría que lloraras ahora, ¿eh?" Aria nodded and wiped her eyes "Esa es mi chica" he gave her a soft smile as she cuddled into Rheas lap as the ambulance was almost at the hospital.

The group all get checked in a room and Dom in his own, rheas shoulder dislocated, Finn fractured his fingers,Damian had a slight concussion and Aria need test run as she was still recovering her self. Rhea waited for Aria as the 2 boys went to Doms room.

They walked in to finda nurse and a still unconscious Dominik "so what happened nurse?" The older lady looked up at the two men "well he blackout on impact his collar bone and 1 rib are fractured he has a sprained wrist but apart from that he is fine." They smiled and gave her a nod of appreciation. She walked out the room and the boys sat on some chairs in the corner as they talked about the car, work and the next step.

Once Rhea returns they see her without Aria "where is Aria?" Finn ask as she approaches "well they need to keep her longer to check her out i dont know why its taking so long this is just... One massive mess" she rubs her hands over her face and groans "i have a dislocated shoulder doms well over there unconscious finn has fractured finger and Damian has a slight concussion how is the judgment day supposed to run WWE if we are always in hospital." Damian looks at Rhea and sighs "look you have a point but this isnt our fault we will all be better soon and we will show that we run WWE" rhea looks at damian and nods sitting in the final chair as they wait for Dom and Aria.

It was a good hour before Aria was back they redid her stitches and gave her more medicine. They sat talking and on their phones waiting for Dom to awaken which wasnt long.

Doms eyes open then close again at the sudden light hurting his sensitive eyes "Dom?" The group slowly walk over to their awaking friend he groans in response not being able to talk yet, he forces his eyes open blinking a few times "your okay mate" Damian says stood at his left "want the nurse?" Finn asks and Dom manages to get out a quiet "no" Aria perked up at the sound of her father's voice.

She walked over to the side of his bed looking in her hands on the rails "papa?" Dom turns his head to look at Aria and gives her a little smile "hey baby" she smiles at her father when Finn speaks up "do you want us to call your parents" they sat in silence for a few seconds before doms voice was hear "no, not yet" Finn nods respecting his decision.

The group stay around dom letting him wake up a bit, "the nurses what you to stay over night" Rhea says and Dom looks at her with Aria next to her "can you look after Aria" Rheas eyes widen "you trust me after what happened" he gives her a nod "your her god mother that must mean something" he chuckles a bit and she gives him a soft smile.

The nurse from earlier walks in a smile on her face "sorry but visiting time is over now" once she said that she left as quick as she entered. The group look at each other before making plans on how to get home and calling into work having to explain the situation. Rhea holds the door finn and Damian in the hallway waiting as Aria says goodbye to Dom.

"Be good my baby, treat this as a sleepover okay" he smiles at her and she nods as he sits up as much as possible kissing her forehead "see you tomorrow baby girl" with that the group left the room with their goodbyes.

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