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A/n: someone tell me what dance company she should go to all i can think of if Abby lee dance company! Also if people have little recommendations that i can fit into the story then please say.
I woke up looking over to my side to see Aria still fast asleep on Rhea but she was awake on her phone and i look over at Arias bed to see Finn and Damian awake "First asleep and last awake" Finn quietly chuckles so we don't wake her "yeah.." I sat looking back at her, her mouth slightly open hair covering her face with patch in her arms "Hey guys can we talk about something" i say sitting up on the bed more "sure what is it?" Rhea asks putting her phone down to the side of her "Aria wants to do dance" i say looking at them and they all had mixed expressions "dance?" Damian asks raising his eyebrow as if he couldn't tell if i was joking "no one here knows anything about that" he says which is true dance is different to wrestling "i know but she wanted to do it" i say cocking my head at her "what do we have to do with this" finn says "oh yeah, well on days i cant take her i was wondering if you guys could go" i say getting to my point "i don't mind doing it" Rhea pipes up "I wouldn't mind" Finn agrees which leaves Damian, we look at him and he rolls his eyes and agrees as well "looks like it will mainly be me and dom taking her" Rhea chuckles still not wanting to wake her "looks like it" "you two are like a married couple sometimes" Finn jokes "i did say i am stealing Aria" Rhea points out "umm excuse me but i literally fought for that kid" i says waving his hands about making everyone laugh a little.

It was a little while later and everyone left for the gym and i had to wake Aria for Rhea to leave as she was latched on to her like a leech "daddy.." I hear a little wine which could only be one person "yes ri ri?" I ask putting close into our suitcases as we would be on the road tomorrow "i am hungry" she says sitting on the sofa "what about i make us your favorite" i say closing the last bag "tacos!" I see her little face light up, back when she was little maybe 4 or 5 i used to make them all the time for me and her as it was a simple thing i could make and over time it became her favorite.


It was around 10 at night and it was just me and Aria home, dad at work and mum and Aalyah went with them and i decided to stay home with Aria as she is only 4 and i am going to be honest i rather be with her . I was sat down stairs when i heard the pitter patter of tiny foot steps, i look up to see this tiny figure peering at me from behind the wall that leads to the hallway "hello ri" i say and the little figured steps out from the corner now stood just in the doorway in full view dressed in one of my old shirts that i had when i was 6 so it was obviously big on her as she is smaller than 6 year old me "bubby.." I hear her say just above a whisper her voice sounded like she had been crying or was about to start "yes sweetheart" i say holding my arms open for her to walk over which she did, sitting in my lap curled into my chest "what's up mini me" i used to call her mini me because everyone would say she was like my twin but with blue eyes and longer hair well after all she was my kid "i had a nightmare" she says sniffling a little "oh ri" i say wiping tears that were left on her face "i know nightmares are scary but your strong big brother is here" i say lifting her up swinging her in the air making her giggle a bit "now lets not be a sad little monster and how about i make us a little late night snack,yeah?" I asked and she nodded as i carried her to the kitchen and set her down on the side "lets see.." I said looking at what we had "i could make tacos?" I said pulling the ingredients out to show her "yes!" She said clapping her hands a bit making me smile. We started to make them and it was fun and Aria was laughing and smiling like she had forgot all about the nightmare "taste good" i asked as she eats some of the beef "yep!" She says doing a little danve making me laugh "what am i going to do with you" i say looking at her.

-end of flashback-

"now lets put the bags together and get making" i say walking over to her and pick her up then making our way to the bags putting them by the door "time for tacos" she says clapping hands as i put her down "when i say make i mean lets go buy some as we don't have a kitchen" i smile getting my car keys and room key opening the door for us.

We get to the store which wasn't far away and try to find tacos ready made which was hard but by some miracle a van selling them drives and parks by. We buy 2 beef tacos from there and when i look down at Aria she is pouting and looking at the taco "whats up mini me" i ask finishing off mine "its not your tacos" she huffs "i know its not but its all we have now eat up we have to get going to the gym soon" "but bubby i want your tacos" she wines more "Aria don't act like this you normally don't now you have two opinions eat it or wait till dinner" i say not having her attitude which was very unlike her but can happen from time to time, as she was thinking my phone rings

Dom: alright Rhea?
Rhea: where are you two,you okay?
Dom: yeah we are fine Aria decided to have her funny 5 minutes.
Rhea: put her on the phone.

Rhea says and i hand it over to Aria i have no idea what was said but when she handed it back her mood lifted and she ate her taco.

Dom: what did you tell her?
Rhea: don't be jealous she listens to me
Dom: oh shush you we both know she loves me most.
Rhea: do we now?

After a little more talking i hung the phone up Rhea not spilling her 'secret' with Aria, i see she ate her taco and she took my hand "ready papa" she smiles "lets go then ri" i say as we walk to the gym as its not far away.

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