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Dom woke up to the sound of his alarm he set so he could get ready for the interview and by that get Aria ready for the interview. He slowly got out of bed looked over into Aria bed to see her fast asleep and patch fallen onto the floor, he walked to get his clothes out of his suitcase and walked into the bathroom he looked in the mirror and down at his new tattoo that Aria hasn't seen as she fell asleep he smiled at himself knowing everything is now going the way he wanted and planned all these years, he did his teeth and walked out in a black shirt and gray joggers to match he made his way over to a still sleeping Aria "aria sweet" he said shaking her "wake up we have the interview in 2 hours" Aria eyes slowly open and she does a stretch and looks at Dom with a tired smile "papa..." He smiles at her "hey sweet girl, it time to get ready we will be leaving in an hour 30 okay" he says moving hair out her face "okay papa" she lays in bed for another couple of minutes before getting up and walking to her suitcase "papa" she turns to him "yes?" "Can you pick my outfit i don't know what to wear" Dom puts his phone down and walks over crouching down "anything comfy...what about..this!" He says pulling out a hoodie and leggings "looks good" she smiles walking over to the bathroom to change.

"Ready Ari" Dom says opening the door "yeah" she says running to the door "patch is staying to look after the room" she smiles "okay" Dom lets out a chuckle at his daughters words "now let's go!" She shouts running to the elevator again "ever time" Dom laughs a little and Aria sticks her tongue at his "stop being a sore loser papa" she smiles pressing the button to the elevator once Dom walks over to her "sore loser?" He raises his eyebrow and Aria nods "yep!" "Maybe i was letting you win because your my child" he smiles at her "no you didn't" she chuckles.

They pulled up into the car park grabbing their stuff and walking on in "it starts in 10 minutes" dom said looking at the time on his phone guiding them to the door where the interview will happen "remember Aria best behavior" Dom says holding her hand "i all ways am" she smiles back "i know,i know" he smiles at her knocking on the door "come it!" He hears from the other side, her opens the door to see three chairs and the interview Mark sitting in one the other two on the other side "come sit we will start soon" he smiles giving Dom a hand shake "hello little lady" Mark saying smiling at her "hello.." She says a little cautious as Dom grip on her hand tightens a bit.

Dom and Aria sit down Aria sitting on Doms lap watching Mark walk out the room for some paper and wires "papa?" She asks looking at him "yes ri?" He asks moving hair out her face "he is a little creepy" she says looking into his eyes "don't judge to quickly, you did that with Finn, Rhea and Damian now look at you guys" he says and she looks down "true... I am sorry" she says tracing the tattoos on his knuckles as she looks at his arms she notices something "daddy what's this" she asks pointing to the one with her name on, he smiles "its a tattoo for my baby girl" she looks at him with joy in her eyes "i love it!" She says wrapping her arms around his neck "aw ri ri, your my daughter for life nothing will change that no one will change that" she says hugging her back "love you" she says "love you too sweets..love you too" they sit there enjoying the father daughter moment "umm sorry to ruin the moment but we are starting now" Mark saying sitting down "okay, want to sit in your chair ari?" Dom asks looking at Aria and she shakes her head holding on to Dom making the two men chuckle "Alright then".

Mark presses a button Dom assume that was to start the live "hello we are here with Dominik Mysterio and a special guest his daughter Aria Mysterio" Marks smiles looking at them two, Dom giving a friendly smile to him and the camera "glade to be here" he says readjusting how Aria was on his lap "Now Dom its was recent when Aria joined the judgment day and you came out and here biological father" Mark said Don't nodding "Yes it was and an amazing decision" he smiled looking at Aria "Why did you make this decision though" Mark asks "well i didn't want to be in my fathers shadow or put up with him and i took Aria with me because that's how it should be me and her" he smiles looking at Mark "That's reasonable.." Mark carried on.

The interview was going on questions here and there, Dom had a feeling this whole interview that something was off with Mark but he decided to leave it "Now Dom on Rheas social media we see a lot of her with Aria almost like she is her child" Marks says letting out a little chuckle "yeah the group love Aria and with Rhea in a way they have a mother daughter relationship without rhea being her mother" he smiles looking at Aria "Rhea is the best!" Aria speaks up making Mark and Dom chuckle "is she now" Dom says raising an eyebrow "don't worry papa i love you too" She smiles looking up at him "good" he smirks back "Aria" he says turning his attention to her "how do you feel about people calling you 'Satans princess' or 'fallen angel'" he asks "well i like it" she smiles at him playing with doms tattoos and Marks taps Arias leg which makes Dom move her away from Mark and closer to him.

After more questions about Doms new tattoo and the meaning and about Arias relationship with everyone and how she fits in perfectly, Dom began to get concerned about the amount of times Mark has or has tried to touch her and he knew the camera would see this and the fans would to he would always move her closer to him and at one point he knew she was getting uncomfortable around him "sorry about this but can we stop this interview" he says looking around "umm sure... To everyone watching sorry this was cut short see you next time bye!" He says as the camera turns off "sorry Mark but can we go?" Dom asks standing up holding Aria "why?" He asks with a pretend confused look "well mate the interview started well but you disgust me i can tell you i trying to touch my daughter, she is a child and my child i will sit here well you touch her leg and keep trying to touch her!" He says get angry at him "please stand outside and see if you change your mind" Mark says with that creepy smile of his Dom lets out a huff "fine." He walks out and slams the door.

"You okay Ari baby, i knew that man was off" he says holding her and looking at her with concerned eyes "yeah... I am okay" she says cuddling closer to him "i am going to call Rhea and all that okay sweets" she just nods at him as he gets his phone out a calls Rheas number "hey Rhea are you with the guys....okay could you put me on speaker..thanks...." He talks to tjd and they agree to come over to the interview center and meet us them there, Dom puts the phone down and looks at Aria "do you want to carry the interview on" he says looking at her "no" she says shaking her head and he nods in response "okay ri"

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