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"God the world is fucked"

"It is" Rhea said still holding Aria who is now half asleep "don't let her fall asleep she needs her meds" Dom says turning around to his bag pulling out a needle with Arias meds "Ari sweetheart wake up" Rhea said gently shaking Aria awake "got to have meds before you sleep baby" Dom says crouching down as Rhea slightly holds her shirt up "remember feels like a little scratch okay" Aria nods still sleepy as Dom injects her medication "well done Aria" Rhea kiss the top of her head as Dom kisses her cheek "what's the time?" Damian asked finn looks at his phone "11pm why?" He says "anyone has food yet" damian says as Dom put the medication back "me and Aria had snacks but that's all" he says and Finn and Rhea days they haven't eaten either "how about we go have a late night dinner together" Damian smiles and Dom nods "sure! Just make sure this one doesn't fall asleep medication makes her tired and she was sleepy before" Damian nods getting Doms point as the group chose a place for some food.

Rhea carries half asleep Aria and Finn carry's his and Rheas bag Dom carrying his and Arias princess bag as they all get to the own cars deciding to met up again at the restaurant which was 15 minutes down the road.

Rhea set Aria down in the front seat and Dom does her seat belt up as Rhea walks away to Damians car, "ready ri ri" Dom asked Aria who nodded in response "papa can i put music on?" Aria asked sweetly "of course baby" Dom handed her his phone letting her pick a playlist, she decided on the playlist called 'Aria and papas' she put the phone down as they went out for a quick meal.

"Aria papa needs to tell you something" Dom says as Aria was dancing to the music "what papa?" She asked and Dom sighed "okay so i know you remember the incident" he starts and Aria slowly nods "i do" Dom looks at his daughters little face before continuing "i know you don't fill understand how things work but the man who hurt you is still out there now papa and the rest are all trying to find the man but we need you to never go alone okay?" He asks just wanting his little girl to be safe "you need a toilet when out tell Rhea need anything ask one of us okay papa loves you so much i cant have anything happing to you your my world" Dom pulls into the drive and looks at Aria "i will papa i know its not safe alone" sometimes dom forgets Aria isnt 3 anymore he forgets he won't over Rey time is going to fast and he doesnt like it.

The group met in the parking lot before heading inside getting food and heading out again "papa can we all have a sleepover!" Aria says excited "i will ask but they might busy" Dom looks up to his friends "we aremt busy" Rhea smiles and Aria jumps with joy running over and hugging Rheas legs "movies!" Aria says and Damian pips up "you always fall asleep" Dom looks at Damian and he puts his hands up "okay we can watch a film" Aria smiles running back over to her dad taking his hand as once again they get into separate cars.

The group of adults and Aria were sat around in Doms room Aria was showing her toys when the all piled together Aria in the middle "okay baby you pick" Dom says handing Aria the remote as she picks a Disney film "you wouldn't believe we play heels" Damian and Finn laugh as the film starts. As it comes to an end of course Aria fell asleep "has she ever watched the end of a film" Finn says and Dom chuckles "its 11:50pm mate" Finn nods in agreement "want to watch a better film now we are here" Dom offers and the others take the offer, Dom puts Aria back in her bed as the 4 of them watch a film.

Near the end Doms phone rings "who the hell" he says picking it up "hello?" He says


Police:Hello mr Mysterio this is (police name i am too tired for this) we think we have found the man who attack and shot your daughter

Dom:wait really that's amazing thank you

Police: he turned himself in saying he felt sorry and will plead guilty in court

Dom:well thank you umm yeah thanks

He says goodbye and the other 3 members look at Dom "that was the police they have the man he turned himself in they will semt the court date for next month and apparently he will plead guilty" Dom says amd the others look shocked "that's too easy" Rhea says "for a man who did this much for just turn himself in i agree its too easy he has a trick up his sleeve" the four of them sit there thinking the movie becoming background sound "we will have to wait and see" Dom says

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